Long day and night

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Chapter Thirty

When we met up with the group nightfall had come due to the car breaking down far earlier then we thought. I had syphoned the small amount of gas that was left into two water bottles because you never know when you might need it. The taste of gasoline in my mouth all night wasn't great but I still managed to sleep a little.

Sadly, we were rudely woken up when a herd had managed to grow and catch up to us. we were far too weak to fight them so we just walked. I stayed close to the back not wanting to talk to people but carl always had to push me that little bit.

"how you doing?" I wasn't in the mood for this

"fantastic" I mumbled pulling my backpack closer to me

"you think there is a way to get rid of these walkers without killing ourselves?"

"probably not knowing our luck right now"

"you sure you're okay?" I took a deep calming breath.

"yes im fine just a bit irritated by this bloody heat and those fucking walkers" he stayed quiet and I thought he might stop talking but he didn't.

"you think there's a safe place?"

"I don't know carl, maybe maybe not"

"did you-"

"Carl" Glenn spoke, "I think your dad needs help with Judy"

"Okay" he mumbled and walked ahead to his dad. I smiled over at Glenn and he gave me a simple nod before carrying on. I was so done with today. We had been walking for miles with that constant growling behind us.

"we doing anything about this herd at any point or am I gonna have to attempt a suicide mission trying to take them down because fuck that sound is getting real annoying"

"You may be a firecracker but I wouldn't go running into that herd" abe said and I glanced at him. I didn't speak to many people in the group as I liked keeping to my select few, that didn't mean I didn't like them I just liked to be alone.

"I got a plan" Rick snapped loudly

"Just don't get no innocent killed with this one" I spoke back, the air fell thick as Rick turned back to me "What? Do you think im just gonna forget or something? Nah this is something ill hold for life Ricky"

"Maybe you should shut your mouth, I've got a plan to keep us safe" I glared hard, still walking forward, he had stopped and the rest of the group had slowed

"I'll believe that when I see it" I stopped right in front of him

"This is my group-"

"Don't mean shit"

"You don't like the way I do things then leave" he raised his voice, Daryl edging closer being the protective hunter he is "Go on, you're free to go whenever you want"

"I would but someone has to actually look after your kids because you do a pretty shit job at that"

"You ain't their mother, im their father"

"your carls father, not Judith-" i took it too far i knew that, no one liked to speak about the fact Judith was most likely Shane's and not his but I was angry. Rick went to do something, I don't know if he was gonna shove me or grab me or maybe even hit me because before he could do shit Daryl had grabbed him shoving him hard making him stumble backwards, Rick stared at me angrily and Daryl shoved him again holding his crossbow at his side.

"don't" he growled deeper then I had heard in a long ass time. Rick looked to Daryl taking deep breaths.


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