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Chapter Thirty-Six

Waking up felt weird.

I had fallen asleep with Daryl by my said but as expected he was gone. Sitting up I felt the early morning rays hit my face. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed my feet hit the cold wood flooring. On the bedside table was something that made me feel like a teenager for a moment. A simple flower, Pretty. I held it up in the sunlight, a grin on my face. To me, this was Daryl's way of saying he liked me without uttering a word. God, why are we acting like teenagers? He comes into my room and mumbled 'same' after I say 'I like you' we are not adults at this point.

I placed the flower inside a book then placed books on top of it. Id keeps it forever this way.

God, I'm so cheesy.

I went and brushed my teeth then got dressed in some jeans, a black crop top and my shoes. I decided to leave the bandage off as it was healing okay and I think it needs a bit of air - other words I'm too lazy to sort it out.

I put my knife in place turned away. To the side of the room, the checked fabric caught my attention and a smirk pulled over my features. I grabbed the shirt slipping it over my outfit. He was either gonna love it or hate it. A small way to mention to the group we had a thing going on you know, I call dibs kinda thing.

I went downstairs running my fingers through my hair. I felt eyes on me but ignored them and made myself a coffee. I took a moment before getting another mug and making two.

"so how was your night?" I looked at a smiling Maggie, I shrugged "you left early"

"didn't like it" I picked the mugs up and walked past Judy in her high chair kissing her on the head before going to the front door

"is that Daryl's shirt?" she called out loudly for everyone to hear. I wanted people to know but subtly.

"shut up" I called back walking out the door closing it behind me.

Daryl was where I thought he would be, Already covered in grease from fixing up the bike that appeared from nowhere. I wonder who gave it to him, they were pulling the right strings to keep him here. He looked up to me when I got closer even though I knew he could hear me way before. A faint grin pulled at his lips as I stopped and passed him his coffee. He took it and I took a sip of mine.

"how long you been out here?" I asked as he carried on looking a me

"few hours" he shrugged his shoulders "that my shirt?"

"yep" I sipped my coffee "you want it back?" I began to pull it off, very slowly. Unwilling to say the least.

"Nah" a smirk pulled at his lips "keep it, looks good on ya"

"I know" I winked making him scoff as I began walking away "where'd you get the bike by the way"

"Aaron gave it to me to fix up and that" I didn't push on the 'and that' clearly there was something more to it but he'd tell me if he wanted to tell me. His pace.

"shout if you need any help" I turned on the ball of my foot going onto the porch and in the house before turning to see him still looking at me "thanks for my flower you softie"

"shut up" I laughed and walked inside to see Maggie stumbling away from the window pushing Glenn away talking in a hushed tone.

"smooth" she stood up straight and wide-eyed before smirking "don't push your luck or I won't tell you a thing, not that anything had happened"

I heard her huff then I carried on walking. I finished my coffee and then went and found Judy.

As much as I loved her I was so bored with being in here. I had no purpose. I played in the garden for a while but then she had to go for her nap and I was left bored as hell.

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