Chapter 2

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"The Tesseract has awaken. It is on a little world, a human world. They would wield its power. But our ally knows its working as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow. The world will be his... the universe, yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?" Loki the Prince of Asgard receive a scepter with a glowing blue gem from him.

Hannah woke up with the sound of her alarm. She grab the alarm and throw it to the wall. The alarm shattered into three pieces. That's the fifth alarm that she has broke this month.

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"Ugh..." She walks towards her shower and take a quick shower. When she's done, she look at herself in front of the mirror. There's bruises on her cheeks and also on the corner of her eye. As an evidence from the fight that she has last night.

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Last night, after she's done entertaining herself at the bar, she walks home with a bottle of whiskey on her right hand. She may look like drunk, but she isn't. She has a really high tolerance when it comes to alcohol. When she was about to reach her apartment, she hear a scream from the dark alley just beside her.

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"Hey gorgeous. Want to join us?" Two guy was there in the alley pinning a girl to the wall. Hannah saw the girl face and eyes. She looks really scared. Her eyes screaming for help but Hannah just walk past them. She doesn't want to have anything to do with them. If she helps, they might know that she's here. She has been running from SHIELD for two years now and she has no intention for them to find her here.

When she reach her apartment, there's a young woman standing just across the street. She looks happy. But somehow, that young woman reminds her of the girl that she saw in that alley. She look at her whiskey and then to the woman. The woman smiles at her and as soon as Hannah saw her smile, Hannah take a step back and walk back to the alley.

"Hey asshole!" The two guy jerk their head towards Hannah.

"Well. I thought we wouldn't have much fun tonight. It seems like we are going to be very lucky tonight."

"Come here sweetheart. Lets have fun."

"You know, you shouldn't have said that. I really hate jerks like you." Hannah march towards them and smash her whiskey bottle to one of the guy head and she kick the other guy on his stomach.

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She went towards the girl and squat in front of her. She looks like a mess and she's covered in bruises. Her eyes look relieved but she still scared. "Its okay. You are safe now." Before Hannah could help her to stand up, someone grab her hair from behind.

"You think you tough. Wait till we have fun with you." Before Hannah could attack him, the other guy punch her cheek and her eye. Her head hurts but she still able to attack them back. Hannah kick the guy in front of him directly at his main part and she push her body backwards and he stumble and fall to the ground. Hannah grab an iron rod and hit them until they no longer move.

"You will not speak of what you see today. Do you hear me." The girl just nod. "Now leave." 

Hannah grab a gray shirt and a black jeans from her closet. When she steps out from her bedroom and walk towards the fridge, she stops abruptly. She knew something was different about her living room. When she turns around, she saw a card on her coffee table. She reach it and sigh when she know who is it from. 

'I found you. And we need you. - Nick'

"I think it's about the mechanics. Iridium, what do they need the Iridium for?" Bruce ask and was answered with silence as no one has the answer to his question, that was until Tony walk in.

"It's a stabilizing agent." Tony enters the room with Agent Coulson beside him. "I'm saying, take a weekend, I'll fly you to Portland. Keep love alive." Tony says to Coulson when he walks towards Thor.

Hannah came to the ship with Agent Hill who has been nothing but happy to see her again after there years. They have been friends since the first day Hannah step foot in SHIELD and Agent Hill has been nothing but a great friend for her throughout the years they were there. When Hannah enters the room, she didn't expect to see Tony there. Standing in front of the computers.

"Nick." Hannah can feel everyone staring at her. Nick smile at her.

"Sarah or whatever your real name is. We meet again." Tony say to her sarcastically while staring at her.

"Its Hannah."

"That's enough Tony. Everyone. This is Agent Hannah. She will be working with you guys on this mission."

"I am sorry, but I wont. I came here to tell you something Nick." Hannah could tell from Nick face that he doesn't like what he hear and she can also tell from his eye that he was disappointed in her answer. "I want you to stop looking for me. If you don't want me to do anything stupid, then you should do as I say." After saying that, Hannah was about to walk from the room when Nick calls her.

"Its not a question Hannah. Its an order."

"You're no longer my boss Nick. Your order means nothing to me." Tony seems to be shocked with what he hears. Nick sigh and take a long look on her face. He knows Hannah more than anyone else. He knows that she's a good person but she's just lost and there's nothing else that he would ever wanted to do other than to help her.

"Natasha. Would you do the honour on telling her what has happen to Agent Barton." Hannah glance at Natasha and she can tell that she wouldn't like what she's going to hear.

"He has been compromised."

"What? That's impossible."

"Its not when you use magic." Hannah look at Nick and Natasha trying to find anything that could tell her that they were lying. Natasha stand beside her and hold her arm gently.

"Hannah. He need us. I cant do this alone."

"Who did this?" She look at Natasha with eyes filled with rage and hatred.

"Let's just say he's not from here."

"Where is he?" Hannah ask.

"He's here." Nick answer makes Hannah look at him.

"I want to see him."


Uh-oh, what could have happen with Tony and Hannah? And why on earth is Hannah hiding from SHIELD? What would Hannah say to Loki when she met him? Want to know? See you guys on the next chapter.


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina.  

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