Chapter 42

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"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them. My king, we are all but defenseless." Hannah hears Fandral says as they walk into the throne room.

"Leave us." Thor says to Fandral, Volstagg and the guards that was standing there in front of Odin. They all start walking off and leave them with Odin. Hannah nod her head and give them a warm smile when she past through them. They did the same to her.

"I do not wish to fight with you." Odin says to Thor and his eyes stop on Hannah.

"Nor I with you, but I intend to pursue Malekith." Thor says but Odin ignore him.

"Its nice to finally be able to meet you child." Odin says to Hannah.

"The pleasure is mine." Hannah says with a bow.

"Tell me, how did you manage to step foot in Asgard without Heimdall help." Odin ask Hannah with suspicion in his voice.

"I know you doubt Heimdall's loyalty, but trust me, he has nothing to do with how I get here. I get here by myself." Hannah says. Odin was about to say something, but was interrupted by Thor.

"I will let you continue your interrogation later. We have a more important matter to discuss. I will pursue Malekith." Thor says with stern and determination in his voice this time.

"We possess the Aether, Malekith will come to us." Odin says.

"Yes, and you will destroy us." Thor says.

"You overestimate the power of these creatures." Odin says.

"No, I value our people lives. I'll take Jane to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane it will be exposed vulnerable, and I will destroy it and him." Thor says and Hannah was shocked to hear his plan. She doesn't know how powerful Malekith is, but she does know how powerful the Aether is.

"If you fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies." Odin says.

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over our heads right now and we'd never even know it." Thor says also raising his voice. Both Hannah and Heimdall look at each other with concern in their face.

"If and when he comes, his men will fall by ten thousand Asgardian blades." Odin says.

"And how many of our men shall fall on theirs?" Thor says.

"As many as are needed! We will fight! Until the last Asgardian breath, the last drop of Asgardian blood." Odin says.

"And how are you different from Malekith?" Thor ask and Odin chuckles with Thor's question.

"The difference, my son, is that I will win. Now, will you please leave me and Hannah. Odin says and Thor turn to look at Hannah. She gave him an assurance look and pat his shoulder when Thor walk past her with Heimdall following him form behind.

"My child. I have heard a lot about you. Tell me, why are you here?" Odin ask.

"I am here to help a friend." Hannah says.

"Loki?" Odin ask.

"No. Thor." Hannah answer and Odin raise his eyebrow.

"You hate my son Loki?" Odin ask.

"Hate is a strong word. I did rather say I am disappointed in him." Hannah says.

"Ah yes. And so do I. Although, I believe his behaviour is my fault." Odin says and Hannah can see sadness in his eyes.

"My child. While you are here, I have a favour to ask." Odin says.

"Will you talk to Loki for me. All this time my wife, Frigga are the one who always there for him, but now she's gone." Odin says.

"I'm sorry for your lost as for Loki, I will see what I can do." Hannah says with a smile on her face. Odin look at her with admiration and relieve.

"Now tell me my child. What are you capable of doing?" Odin ask Hannah. They both spent hours talking about her powers. Odin has never met anyone not even Gods or Goddess that can do what Hannah can do. But he can tell, that Hannah still hasn't master her powers and are afraid of it.

"My child. I have a gift for you. Follow me." Odin says and Hannah walk with him into a room. Hannah look around and there's seem to be a lot of stuff in there and she can see the Tesseract among all the stuff. They both stop in front of a bracelet at the end of the room.

"This used to belong to my late mother. Its one of her beloved possession. If you can take it, it will be yours." Odin says and Hannah frowns hearing his last words. Hannah look at him with confusion and Odin gesture his hand towards the bracelet telling her to take it. Hannah walk closer to it and it dim when she gets closer. Before she could touch the bracelet, it slowly raise in the air and slowly wrap itself around her wrist.

"Since my mother died, no one was able to touch it. But you my child, are different." Odin says with a smile on his face as they walk out from the room.

"Can you promise me something child?" Odin says and Hannah nod at him.

"Embrace your powers, do not feel afraid of it. That's the only way for you to see the beauty in it." Odin says with a hoping face and Hannah doesn't know how to respond to that. She just smiles and nod at him.

"Now. I have a kingdom to protect. Thor might be looking for you." Odin says before he walks away with his guards and left Hannah there with one of his guards.

"Can you take me to Thor please?" Hannah says to the guard and he lead the way. 


As I promise, here's another chapter. There's 8 more to go. Have fun reading guys!


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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