Chapter 39

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"Okay. What am I supposed to do again?" Hannah ask with a confuse face.

"We will blow that thing, that's a nuclear bomb but a very small one, and you will try to absorb it or contain it just like you did before." Tony says.

"It has been a long time since I did that. What if I cant? You guys could get hurt. I don't think this is a good idea guys." Hannah says worriedly.

"This wall and glass can contain 100 times explosion of that small bomb in front of you." Bruce says tapping on the glass window in front of him.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking for the scepter?" Tony ask Bruce.

"I will. I'm just curious." Bruce says.

"Yeah we all are." Clint says standing between Natasha and Steve.

"I don't know guys." Hannah says worriedly to them.

"Let me in. I will talk to her." Steve says and Tony give him a look.

"How about I'm the one who go in there and talk to her." Tony says.

"Okay. She will listen to either both of us." Steve says and Tony ponders for a few seconds.

"On second thought. You go in and talk to her." Tony says.

"Its okay Tony. You can go in. She's your little sister." Steve says.

"Yeah I know, but she trust you more." Tony says and Steve pat Tony's shoulder before he went through a door to talk to Hannah. Hannah see Steve walking through the door.

"I don't think I can do this." Hannah says while Steve walking near her. She pull her hair showing how nervous and frustrated she is.

"You can do this. Just take a deep breath and try imagine unicorn." Hannah laugh out loud.

"Unicorn? Do I look like a kindergarten to you?" Hannah says while she let out a chuckle.Her body starts to calm and relax with his touch.

"I love your smile and your laugh." Steve says cupping Hannah face. She touches both of his hand and smiles at him.

"Uh. I told you no funny business. Take a step back from each other." Tony says and they both can hear Clint's, Natasha's and Bruce's voice telling Tony to shut up.

"Stop. What are you doing?" Bruce says annoyed at Tony.

"They look cute. Move on." Natasha says.

"Why did you do that?! They were about to kiss." Clint says.

"She's my little sister. She's not going to kiss anyone." Tony says and the three of them roll their eyes.

"I think they need you in there." Hannah says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Cant live without their captain." Steve says.

"Hey. You're my captain." Hannah says before she kiss him gently.

"Hannah!" Tony shouted through the speaker. They both laugh and Steve walk back inside into the surveillance room.

"Hannah are you ready?" Bruce ask and Hannah nod at him.

"I thought I told you no funny business." Steve was about to say something to Tony but Natasha give Tony a death glare.

"Okay. Nod if you're ready for me to blow it okay." Bruce says calmly and Hannah give him a thumbs up before she takes a deep breath and close her eyes. She takes a deep breath and try to control her breathing. After a few minutes, she finally able to relax and she nod at Bruce as a sign that she's ready.

Bruce sees the sign and he blows the bomb in the count of three. As soon as the bomb explode, Hannah raise her hands up and there's a gold vapour coming our form her hands. It stops the explosion from spreading as it covers it and slowly everyone can see that its move towards Hannah through the steam. In just a few seconds, its all gone and Hannah stood there with a happy and proud smile on her face.

"I did it!" Hannah says jumping a little and turn herself towards the mirror. She chuckles when she sees their shocked face.

"That was amazing!" Bruce says.

"We know that you can do it, but it feels different seeing it live." Clint says and Natasha nod agreeing with him.

"Do you think we can raise it a bit?" Tony ask Hannah. He needs to figure out how they can help her to control her powers no matter what situation she's in.

"Yeah. Lets do it." Hannah says with a smile on her face.

"Well. You guys do that. I still need to find the scepter. Send me the full report Tony." Bruce says before he walks out of the surveillance room.

"Me and Clint, we need to train. We will be in the training room." Natasha says before she walks towards the microphone.

"Good job sweetheart. We will see you during dinner okay." Natasha says and send her a flying kiss before she and Clint walk out of the surveillance room leaving only both Tony and Steve in there.

"Okay. Lets do this again."Tony says before pressing a few button. After a few seconds, there's a new bomb that look exactly just like the first one but just a bit bigger.

"When you're ready." Steve says and Hannah give them both a thumbs up before she steadies herself. 


Steve's and Hannah's relationship is so sweet and strong. They always support and protect each other no matter what. Hannah's power is amazing and she will do amazing things in the future with her powers. But what kind of amazing thing will she do?


I got a job! Yes! I got a job as a English teacher! Finally! But don't worry. I will keep on writing. Writing is my passion. 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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