Chapter 3

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"Are you sure about this Hannah? That guy is a psycho." Nick says as he stand between her and the door.

"Nick. Let me talk to him. I know what I am doing."

"Hannah just be careful after what happen to Clint, I cant lose you too." Hannah look at Natasha and giver her the most assuring smile that she can give.

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"He can try." Hannah hold Natasha arm and look at Nick with a determined face. "Open it Nick."

When Nick open the room, Hannah saw a guy standing in a cylindrical glass cage. Before Hannah steps in, she studies his face and he seems to be lost in his own mind. Hannah took a step into the room and walks up behind him when she saw he starts pacing in the cell. When Hannah has move close enough to the cell, Loki jerks his head up. Hannah swear she saw a shock and longing look on his face but it was only for a second. She was then greeted with a wicked smile from Loki.

"Hmm. There's not many people that can sneak up on me."

"Well. I am not just any people am I. But of course you already know that, Loki." Nick furrows his eyebrow when he heard Hannah mention Loki's name. He was very sure that he didn't tell her what his name was.

"Natasha. Did you tell Hannah his name?"

"No I don't."

"Whats going on?" Steve Rogers stands up and he looks concern.

"Should I bring Hannah out sir?" Hill ask Nick.

"No. I trust her. Let her be." Agent Hill just nod and continue looking at the screen.

Hannah took a chair and sit in front of Loki's cell. Hannah has a poker face on her and Loki cant even guess what she was thinking. 

"How long has it been Hannah. 5 years?" Loki ask Hannah.

"Two actually."

"Well it does feel like 5 years to me."

"Keep it Loki. I am not here to talk about us. I am here for Clint. Where is he?" Loki look hurt with Hannah answer.

"Ah well. Agent Barton. A mere Midgardian. You're worried about him?"

"He's one of the important people in my life." Hannah answer bluntly.

"Am I not?" Hannah smirks hearing Loki's question.

"Used to be." Loki eyes filled with rage.

"After whatever tortures that they can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm. And you think I would cooperate." Loki said in anger.

"What have you done to him Loki." Hannah ask.

"I'd say I've expanded his mind. Make him see things that he wasn't able to see before." Loki said with an evil smirk but Hannah can see through him. She know he's hurt and he's hiding it with that evil smirk of his. She know him too well to not see it.

"Why are you doing this Loki? What exactly do you want? Haven't you done enough." Hannah said as she let out a sigh. 

"You know what I want." Loki said hoping for her to know what he actually want and Hannah know but she wont give him that satisfaction.

"What? being on top? And then what Loki? Once you have won and become the king of the mountain, what will happen to him?"

"Is this love Hannah? Do you love him." Loki stand close to the glass with his hand touching its surface. Hannah stares into Loki's eyes and walk towards him, standing very close to him.

"Yes. I owe him my life." Hannah said.

"Do you? You know. Barton has tell me everything. Everything that has happen in your life and why you're on the run. After all that they have done to you, you still think you owe him your life and you think by saving him will change everything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child, a prayer. Pathetic."

"You can think whatever you want Loki but if you hurt him, I will kill you." Hannah walks towards the door. She already know what she wants to know. When she was about to step out of the room, she hears Loki's question.

"You willing to kill me for him?"

"Yes. Without a doubt." With that, Hannah walk out from there and walk towards the control room where everyone else is waiting. Before the door closes, she can hear Loki's screaming his heart out. He knows that Loki hate her answer and with that she now knows that Clint will be safe from him, because he will bring Clint to her himself.

"Have you guys manage to find the Tesseract?" Hannah ask when she arrive in the control room. Her question wasn't answered.

"What was that? How did you know him?" Tony walk towards Hannah and stands really close to her. So close that Hannah can feel his breath. Hannah take a step back from him.

"How I know him isn't important. What important is"

"Not important? How can that's not important. How can we know that we can trust you?" Hannah look at Tony and everyone else in that room.

"It doesn't matter whether you trust me or not Tony. I will only help you until I know that Clint is safe. Then I will leave." Hannah look at everyone faces and stops at Steve.

"You have my word Captain. Once Clint is save, I will leave."

"Well then. Lets get to work." Steve said and Hannah nod at Steve and she walk towards Nick.


"I trust you. You don't have to worry. And you should ask Dr.Banner about the Tesseract. He's incharge on that."

"Thank you Nick." 


Hannah already met Loki? When? You might have to wait for a few more chapters for the answer. 😀


Btw, just to let you know sooner, in this book, Hannah will be with Steve not Loki. But I might change it later in the future, I'm not sure.


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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