Chapter 33

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After they have finally complete their mission and project Insight is officially down, Hannah and Steve went back to the tower with Sam. They want to introduce Sam to the others and make him part of the team. Maria was the one that on the wheel, while Sam sit on the co-pilot sit. Hannah and Steve both sit at the back of the seat . They both talk to each other and both Hannah and Steve just smiles whenever Sam makes a funny remarks.

Steve hands can't seem to stay still as he grabs Hannah's hand and intertwined their fingers. Steve than kiss the top of her hand and it makes Hannah smiles. Steve keep playing with her fingers and pokes her hand a few times. His actions and weird behaviour makes Hannah frown with a smile on her face.

"Okay stop. What's wrong?" Hannah ask when Steve poke her hands again. Steve glance at her but only for awhile. He feels a bit shy to look at her eyes.

"I just want to check." Steve says with a shy smile on his face.

"Check what?" Hannah ask with confusion.

"Whether all of this is real or just a dream. Whether you're real." Steve says and it makes Hannah smiles. She has never thought that Steve will think that way. She hold Steve cheek with her other hand and make him to look at her. When Steve's finally look at her, she kisses him.

"Does this feels like a dream to you?" Hannah ask after she pulls away. She can see Steve blush a little.

"I don't know. Let me check again." Steve says with a happy smile on his face before he tries to kiss Hannah again but Sam interrupted them both. 

"Ugh. Get a room." Sam says and it makes all of them laugh.

As soon as they arrive at the tower, Hannah can feel her whole body shaking. She's really scared of what Tony going to say. What if Tony still pissed at her? What if he doesn't want her anymore? What will Tony say about her and Steve? All this question really make her dizzy. She can feel her palm starts sweating. Steve has noticed how nervous Hannah is. Once they get into the elevator, he hold her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Everything is going to be alright." Steve says before he kiss her forehead. Hannah nod and give Steve a smile but she's still worried. When the elevator open, Hannah got attack with Clint and Natasha. They both hug her tightly and it makes her hard to breathe. She love their hugs but sometimes they tends to squeeze her to hard and it really makes her hard to breathe.

"Thank God you're okay." Natasha says still hugging her.

"You scared the hell out of us." Clint say and they both tighten their hug around her.

"I'm sorry." Hannah says with a tiny voice indicating that she's has trouble breathing.

"Oh sorry. We just worried about you." Natasha says after they let her go.

"I know. Where's Tony?" Hannah ask. Clint and Natasha step away revealing Tony sitting on the couch with a glass of alcohol. Hannah can hear Pepper trying to reason with Tony to talk to Hannah but Tony just sat in silence. When Hannah get close to him, she can tell that he has been crying and his face is really scary.

"Tony. I'm sorry." Hannah says softly. She doesn't know what else she can say other than sorry.

"Screw this." Tony says before he stands up and hug her and she hug him back.

"I was worried and scared. You can't do that to me." Tony says with a crack at the end of his voice. Noticing that, Hannah tighten her hug and she keep saying she's sorry.

"Its okay. But, you're grounded." Tony says and it makes Hannah pull away from their hug with a frown on her face.

"What?" Hannah ask shocked.

"You heard me young lady. You're grounded. For a month." Hannah was about to say something but she then sigh thinking that she really deserves that. After what she did, she do deserve it.

"Alright. Now we need to talk about what happened. You two has a lot to tell us. Now spill it." Hannah look at Steve signaling him to tell Tony about everything that has happen. They all sit down at the couch after Steve introduce Sam to them. He then starts telling them everything that has happened including Nick's fake death and Bucky.

"Okay so wait. You spill what Hannah?" Clint ask in shocked and Hannah look at Natasha with a sorry look.

"I spill all SHIELD's and HYDRA's secret on the internet. Everything about our past. I am sorry Nat. That's the only way." Hannah says.

"Forget about me. Did you spill yours too?" Natasha ask and Hannah nod.

"What?! Why?! You should destroy it." Natasha says.

"I cant. If your past is being exposed, then mine should too." Hannah says and she knew for a fact that Clint and Natasha doesn't like that idea.

"What does the council say about it?" Pepper ask.

"She will need to attend a committee hearing tomorrow." Steve says and Tony look concern.

"I will go with you." Tony says and Hannah shakes her head.

"No you wont. None of you will. Including you Steve. If they see you, they will catch you. I can do this." Hannah says assuring them its okay for her to go alone.

Tony told Hannah to take a rest and they will talk again during dinner. Tony said that they will order take outs for dinner tonight. Hannah hug him before she went into her room. The rest of them went to the conference room to talk about Sam whether its okay for him to join the team. Before they enter the conference room, Natasha pull Tony to stop him so that she can talk to him.

"Tony. You need to delete everything about her online." Natasha says and it makes Tony frown.

"I will. After this." Tony was about to get inside but was stopped by Natasha again.

"Tony. You don't understand. The longer its on the internet, the worse it will get." Natasha says.

"What do you mean?" Tony ask with confusion.

"Hannah's file wasn't just about how she was kidnapped by HYDRA and all of the people that she has killed under their control, but -" Natasha can't seem to be able to finish her sentence. The words seems to stuck at her throats and her shoulder feels really heavy.

"But what Natasha." Tony ask raising his voice a little and it makes everyone in the room to went outside to see what happen.

"It has videos of her being tortured. The experiments they did on her. Everything Tony. Everything! This will hurt her more than any of us." Natasha says. At that moment, everyone there went dead silence. After a few seconds, Tony run to his lab followed by the rest of them.

"Jarvis." Tony called the AI and the whole room light up when it answer.

"Yes Sir." The AI answer.

"We have a lot to do." Tony says in a rush voice.


What will Tony find on Hannah's file online? Will he be able to delete everything about her past online? Will he be able to accept her horribly and bloody past? But will Hannah be fine?


I love horror movies but! I have been running out of the good ones. Can any of you be a very good and sweet by telling me any good horror movies that I could watch? Leave it in the comment section below. I will definitely check it out. 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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