Chapter 19

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The next morning, Steve woke with Hannah sleeping soundly on his chest and his hands hugging her. Steve smiles when he sees how peaceful and adorable she looks considering from what has happen last night. Steve plays with Hannah's brunette hair and kiss her head. Another smile appear on his face when Hannah move a little but still doesn't move away from his chest.

He hold Hannah's hand that was on his chest and play with her fingers. He wants to wake her up, since he needs to go for his run, but he doesn't want to let go of this feeling. The happiness that he feels with Hannah by his side. Steve stops playing with Hannah's fingers when reality knock his sense out.

He has only been thinking about how he feels at the moment, but he didn't think about what Hannah will feel when she wakes up with him laying beside her. Considering the fact that Hannah hasn't been talking to her since what happened in New York, he doesn't feel like she's going to be okay with this.

Thinking about that make Steve stand up slowly and put Hannah's head on her pillow. He then pull a blanket over her. He sits beside Hannah and tug her hair behind her ear. He gently rub Hannah's cheek with his fingers. When Hannah move a little, Steve froze. He doesn't move, afraid of waking her up. When he sees Hannah falls back to sleep, he kisses her forehead and walk towards the door. He glance back at Hannah before he closes the door.

Hannah woke up late that day. She had a really good sleep last night and she doesn't remember when was the last time she had a good sleep. Then it hits her. She remember what happen last night. She remember that Steve was there in her room. She jolts up scanning her room, looking for Steve. She was really sure that wasn't a dream.


"Yes Ms.Hannah."

"Is Steve here last night." Hannah ask Jarvis for confirmation.

"Yes Miss. He was here with you last night. I informed him of your situation and he came right away." Jarvis answer has answered all of her question.

"Where is he now?" Hannah ask.

"He's out on a run. Do you want me to call him?"

"No. Thank you Jarvis."

"You're welcome Miss."

Hannah let out a heavy sigh. There's a lot of things that went in her head at the moment. She was really thankful for Steve's help but she was wondering why he just left without saying a word. Did she do something last night? No matter how hard she try to remember, she cant seem to find anything weird. Tired of thinking, Hannah walk to her bathroom and take a long and warm shower. When she went to the kitchen, she was greeted with Bruce waiting for his coffee.

"Don't tell me you have become one of the Starks." Hannah says and Bruce frown at her.

"I am sorry. I don't understand." Bruce ask, slightly confused.

"Can't seem to be functional without coffee." Hannah says, sitting on a bar stool opposite him.

"Ah. I think I am." Bruce says with a chuckles.

"Welcome to the club Bruce. The Starks need someone slightly normal." Hannah says and it brings laughter in Bruce.

"Do you want some?" Bruce ask and Hannah nod.

"Morning sleepyhead." Natasha says walking from the elevator and kissed Hannah's head before sitting on a bar stool beside her.

"Its 2 pm Nat." Hannah says.

"I know. But you just woke up, so its still morning for you." Natasha says with a grin on her face. Hannah just role her eyes when she hear her stupid joke. She cant believe Natasha just said that. But Hannah was shock to hear Bruce loud laugh. Hannah send Bruce a look and she shake her heads in disbelief. How come that was funny?

Hannah was about to take her coffee from Bruce when the whole tower shake. Her coffee are spilled everywhere on the countertop while Bruce's coffee are all over him. Natasha on the other hand was holding Hannah and covering Hannah's head with her body, protecting her from anything that might happen. When the shakes stop, Natasha let go of Hannah and spin her bar stool making Hannah facing her.

"Are you okay?" Natasha ask with worried in her eyes.

"I am fine Nat." Hannah giggle as she finds the situation quite funny.

"Its not funny Hannah." Natasha snarl and it makes Hannah close her lips together and make a zip motion on them. Natasha just shake her head with Hannah's playfulness in this state.

"What was that?" Bruce ask.

"There's someone on the rooftop Doctor." As soon as Jarvis say that, Natasha and Bruce run towards the elevator waiting it to open for them to go to the rooftop. Hannah on the other hand, just teleport herself to the rooftop and when she arrive, she saw Thor standing in the middle of a burning circle mark on the floor of the rooftop caused by bifrost.

"Tony is so not gonna like that." Hannah says and Thor just grin when he hear it. 


Do you think Tony will let Thor slide away from what he did at his rooftop? I dont think Tony will let it slide. 


Hello lovelies! I know I have been MIA for a long time. I'm really sorry. I have been busy with a lot of things. My father just passed away and I'm still in the middle of processing that, but all is well. I know he's in a good place now. But, I promise, I will update more frequently in the future. 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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