Chapter 15

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Hannah teleport herself to her room and she just stands there staring at her hands with fear. Thank God Clint was there to calm here down. If he or Natasha wasn't there, who will calm her down. Clint and Natasha was the only people who knows how to calm her.

"Tony stop pacing." Bruce says to Tony feeling uncomfortable with Tony's behaviour.

"I cant Bruce. How do you think I should react huh? My sister, the only family that I have left, is in danger and that danger wasn't from outsider, but its her!"

"Tony, relax, there must be a way to fix it." Bruce says. Tony just sigh and keep pacing. His head keep thinking about whatever possibilities that he could do to save her.

"What if she learns how to control her power?" Steve ask.

"That maybe works but" Clint wasn't able to finish his sentence as Tony's face was already in front of him, staring at him.

"But what?" Tony ask.

"But she never tried it before. She was scared to use her powers. It reminds her of the time when she was the Enchantress." Natasha says and everyone turns their head to her.

"Enchantress? What do you mean?" Steve ask.

"Who's Enchantress?" Bruce ask. Tony just stand there and he frowned his forehead demanding for Natasha to continue. Natasha turns her head to Clint and they both sigh.

"Enchantress is Hannah. That was her code name when they have her and" Clint can't seems to be able to finish his sentence.

"And what Barton?!" Tony has grow impatient with them.

"Honestly Tony. I don't think we have the right to tell you anything about her." Natasha says. She really doesn't think it was a good idea for her and Clint to tell them about Hannah's past.

"I have the right to know. She's my little sister for God sake." Tony yelled in anger.

"Tony. She will tell you herself when she's ready. We're talking about Hydra here. We don't know what they have done to her." Steve says holding Tony's shoulder. Tony still doesn't like the idea of being kept in the dark about her little sister but Steve was right, they don't know what Hydra has done to her.

Hannah sat in her room the whole day. She doesn't go out for lunch either. She doesn't want to go out. She was scared. Scared to face them after what they have see and also scared that she might hurt them. That is why Hannah decide to just sit there in her room. She heard a knock on her door.

"Go away." Hannah says and the knock stop.

Hannah toast herself facing the window so that she can see the sky. She grab a pillow from behind her and hug it tightly. She let herself immerse in her own feelings. Tears falling down from the corner of her eyes and she doesn't want it to stop with the hope that it will wash away her fears.

"Sir. Ms.Hannah seems to be in distress. She has been crying for an hour." Jarvis says informing Tony about Hannah's condition. As soon as Tony hear what Jarvis says, he stands up and storming towards the elevator, wanting to see Hannah. This time, he's not gonna knock but as he was about to enter the elevator, Pepper stops him.

"Tony don't. Just let her be."

"She's crying. Alone." Tony says and Pepper can see how much it hurts him.

"I know Tony. I know. But she wants to be alone right now. Let her be." Pepper says trying to make Tony understands.

"Why does she wants to be alone. She has me now. She has me." Tony says and his voice crack at the end and it hurts Pepper to see him like that. That's the first time ever for her to see Tony look vulnerable.

"I know honey. I know. You can talk to her during dinner, okay?" Tony sigh and he nods, agreeing with her. Pepper then hug him hoping that her hug will help to ease his pain and it works. Tony hug her back, tightly, hiding his face in her neck, taking her support from her.

Steve was standing in front of the window in her bedroom. He has been standing there for hours. He kept thinking about what could have happen to Hannah when she was with Hydra. How it must have been really hard for her. But above all, he wont stop thinking about the name that Natasha mentioned. Enchantress.

Steve knew that Hydra must have made her as one of their weapon and she probably have done terrible things under their orders. But he doesn't blame Hannah. He knows Hydra will always finds a way to make sure she do exactly what they want her do. He knows that Hannah doesn't have a choice. He trust her and with that, it hurts him even more knowing that Hannah has suffered alone for a very long time.

"Ms.Hannah." Jarvis call Hannah.

"Yes Jarvis."

"Your dinner with Mr.Stark starts in an hour and he said he wont take no as an excuse. He will be waiting for you in his penthouse." Jarvis says reminding her about the dinner that she will have with Tony tonight.

"Thanks Jarvis." Hannah said and she walks towards her bathroom to take a shower. She need to freshen herself up before meeting him.


Hannah's code name when she's with HYDRA is Enchantress and FYI, I know that in Suicide Squad they already use that name, but I just cant help myself. I love that name.  Btw, do you think Hannah will open up to Tony with whatever happen to her in the past?


A quick question, who else is in love with 'No Brainer'? 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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