Chapter 45

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Jane has manage to transport Hannah, Thor and Malekith to Svartalfheim using one of her device. Since they step foot on Svartalfheim, they haven't stop fighting Malekith.

"You think you can stop this? The Aether cannot be destroyed." Malekith says as they all stop from fighting to take a breath.

"But you can!" Thor says and Hannah look at him worriedly.

"You do realize that if we want to kill him, we need to take the Aether out of his body first right?" Hannah says.

"Yeah." Thor answer calmly.

"And you do realize that the Aether will find another body to get into." Hannah says.

"Yeah." Thor answer.

"Wait. You do realize that there's only the three of us here." Hannah says.

"Yes, I do realize that Hannah and I also realize that I can't take the Aether since I'm its enemy. Since Malekith will be dead, that left us with only one person." Thor says.

"Me." Hannah says in worry.

"Yes you." Thor says.

"I can't." Hannah says.

"We don't really have a choice here Hannah. I'm sorry." Thor says before he rushes towards Malekith. Hannah leave a heavy sigh and she contemplating whether its a good idea to let the Aether get inside her, but then again, Thor was right. There is no other way. Hannah rushes beside Thor and fight alongside him.

Hannah step aside from Thor and Malekith. She closes her eyes and tries to calm herself. She then raise her hands in the air above her chest and aimed it towards Malekith.

"Step aside Thor!" Hannah shouted and Thor take a few steps back. There's a gold vapour coming out from her hands and its went straight to Malekith. Hannah eyes turns gold as the vapour surround Malekith and lift him up in the air. Hannah struggle when Malekith tries to fight back, but each time he fights back, Hannah does the same.

"No, no, no!" Malekith shouts as he can see and feel the Aether coming out from his body. The Aether slowly went to Hannah and went inside her. Hannah gasp in pain when the Aether touches her.

"Now Thor!" Hannah shout when the Aether has completely enter her body. She wince in pain as her power and the Aether becoming one. Her eyes change from gold to purple and it slowly fades as Hannah falls to the ground.

"Hannah!" Thor shouted when he realize Hannah was laying on the ground. Thor leaves Malekith death body there and run towards Hannah. He hold Hannah's head with one hand, while the other one touches her cheeks trying to wake her up, but it doesn't work.

Thor stands up and hold Hannah bridal style as he walk towards where they first came through Jane's device. Within seconds, they are back on earth and Jane was shocked to see that Hannah's unconscious.

"What happen?" Jane ask.

"I don't know. She fainted when she let the Aether enter her body." Thor says.

"What?! Why did you let her take it?" Jane says angrily.

"We don't have a choice Jane. Now, I need to take her back to the tower. They will know what to do." Thor says.

"That's a bit difficult don't you think. Considering that we are in Greenwich." Jane says and Thor silence for a moment before he look at the sky.

"Heimdall! I need your help. Open the bifrost and send me to Stark Tower." Thor says but there's only silence.

"Father! Let him help! I beg you. She needs help!" Thor says and after a few seconds the bifrost took Hannah, Thor and Jane to the tower rooftop.

"Stark! Stark!" Thor running inside the tower while yelling for Tony.

"For God sake Thor. Stop with the-" Tony can't finish his sentence when he sees Thor holding Hannah in his arm, unconscious.

"What happen? Bring her to the lab. Jarvis, call everyone!" Tony says as he leads Thor towards the lab where Bruce is.

"Bruce you're the expert. Do something." Tony says as soon as Thor puts Hannah on the bed inside the lab.

"Oh my god. What happen to her?" Bruce ask while he starts examining Hannah.

"She faint when the Aether enters her body." Thor says.

"The Aether? What the hell is that?" Bruce ask and Thor starts explaining on what is the Aether and everything that has happen.

"You let that thing enter my little sister?! How dare you! I don't care whether you're a God or not, if something happen to her, I will kill you!" Tony says as he stands face to face with Thor. His face was full with rage.

"What's going on here? Hannah?!" Steve says as he ran towards her but was stopped by Bruce.

"I know you guys are worried, but please let me do my job and all of you please wait outside." Bruce says and Steve nod. He then has to drag Tony out of the lab with Thor, Natasha and Clint follow from behind.

"You have a lot of explanation to do Thor." Steve says with stern in his voice. Thor let go a heavy breath before he tells them everything that has happen.

"There's no other way Stark. If there is, I will have choose the other way no matter how hard it is. I'm sorry." Thor says with guilt in his voice.

"If something happen to her, I will kill you." Tony says sending Thor a death glare. 


As I have promise. Here is another chapter for you guys! There's still 5 more chapter to go for this book. Have fun reading guys!


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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