Chapter 12

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"I'm coming!" Hannah walks towards Natasha.

"What could you possibly need from me Nat?" Hannah ask and anyone can tell that she's really annoyed.

"Don't be mad. I really need your help." Natasha says and grab Hannah's arm.

"Yeah like how you really need my help with making popcorn for you. For God sake Nat. You're a spy. Don't you know how to make popcorn." Hannah says annoyed with her who wont stop calling her since she woke up.

"I'm a spy not a cook. Besides, you make them better." Hannah sighs.

"What do you want Nat." Hannah ask.

"Can you call Steve for me please. I need him and Clint to help me train today. Clint is already in the gym." After saying that, Natasha walk towards the gym.

"Why didn't you ask Jarvis to call him?" Hannah ask.

"Because I want you to call him. Why? Do you have problem with it?" Natasha turn and look directly at Hannah's face trying to read her. "Or is it with him?"

"Shut up Nat." Hannah walk away towards her room and before she could reach her room, she will need to past Steve's room. Hannah stop exactly in front of Steve's room but she just stood there. She was contemplating whether she should knock or not, but at the end, she decided not to.


"Yes Ms Hannah."

"Can you tell Steve that Natasha need him in the gym now for training."

"Alright Ms." Hannah then walk to her room and stays there.


"Yes Jarvis."

"Ms.Hannah says that Agent Romanoff need you in the gym right now for training." Steve stops when he hears Hannah name mentioned by Jarvis.

"Why didn't she tell me herself."

"I don't know sir. Do you want me to ask her?"

"No. Its okay Jarvis. Thank you." Steve walk out from his room and walk towards the gym. He cant stop thinking about Hannah throughout the whole training session. He wants to fix things with her but he doesn't know how.

Natasha and Clint could tell that Steve wasn't really into the training. They both know why since Hannah and Steve has been openly very awkward with each other. They seems to be fine before but after New York, Hannah seems to be avoiding Steve as mush as she can while they both can clearly see how desperate Steve is in wanting to talk to Hannah.

"You know what, maybe we should continue this tomorrow. Me and Nat here have somewhere to go." Steve just nod and say goodbye to them before he went back to his room.

"We need to do something." Clint say.

"Like what? You know Hannah wouldn't like it." Natasha reminding Clint how Hannah will definitely hate it if they interfere.

"But, she would thank us later." Clint says.

"Will she?" Natasha give Clint a worried look but Clint doesn't want hear any of it. He pull Natasha gently out of the gym.

"I will talk to Steve, and have a man to man conversation while you talk to Hannah. Between you and me, she listen to you the most." Clint says.

"That is because, she loves me more." Clint stop and look straight at Natasha's face. He seems really annoyed and angry.

"No. She loves me more." Clint walk straight to Steve's room. He enters the room without even knocking and Steve was shocked. Natasha could here Steve annoyed groan when she walk past Steve's room to go to Hannah's room.

"Hannah?" Natasha knock and come in when Hannah give her permission to enter.

Hannah put down her phone when Natasha came in. She was just texting with Tony about how Tony didn't fulfill his promise about going straight home after his meeting with the council and now it has been a week. Hannah and Pepper was worried sick. Tony texted her that he is on his way to the tower and tonight they will have a family dinner and catch up. Hannah smiles at Natasha when she sits at the end of her bed.


"Yes Nat." There was silence between them and Hannah just stare at Natasha waiting for her to say something.

"Hannah. I have been meaning to ask about something, but please don't get mad okay?" Hannah chuckles.

"As long as you're not asking me to help you with something, AGAIN, then I wouldn't be mad."

"I want to ask you about Steve."


Natasha really do love to annoy Hannah but they still love each other no matter what. What exactly did Natasha want to say about Steve? And more importantly, what will Clint say? See you guys in the next chapter.


Imagine Peter Parker and Shuri finally meet up and hang out. What a disaster would that be for the rest of the team. 😂


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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