Chapter 35

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When Hannah was home, there was no one there at the tower. She just thought that maybe they have a mission somewhere but its still odd as they all were gone and Steve doesn't tell her anything. But, since she feel so exhausted from the committee hearing, she decided to take a long shower and change into comfy clothes before she search for them. She know she can just ask Jarvis, but she just wants to take a shower first. She went straight to her bedroom and take a long satisfying shower.

"Tony. Why do you need us?" Natasha says with an annoyed face.

"I was asleep Tony and I haven't any for almost a day and a half. Let me rest. We already get everything about Hannah." Bruce says with an exhausted voice.

"I need my beauty sleep." Clint says and it makes everyone look at him except for Tony.

"What?" Clint says raising his eyebrows.

"Tony. You're quiet. Which is not normal. Is there something wrong?" Steve ask and it makes everyone look at Tony worriedly.

"Everything is wrong. Everything they did to her is wrong. Everything. How could they-" Tony can't seems to be able to finish his sentence as a tear starts to fall.

"Oh God Tony. Please tell me you didn't see her files." Bruce ask worriedly.

"They are monsters. How could they do that to a child?! She was just eight!" Tony yelled in anger.

"Do you guys know about this? Have you watch her files?" Tony ask Natasha and Clint.

"We knew about it." Natasha answer.

"But we never watch her files. Nick wont allow us." Clint says.

"Well, let me show you what they did to her." Tony says before he play series of video of Hannah when HYDRA has her.

"Tony I don't think that's-" Steve says trying to stop Tony from playing the video but he stops mid-sentence when he hears a voice of a child.

"Where's my parents? I want my mommy." Hannah says while she cries.

"Shush sweetheart. You don't need them. You have us now."

"No. I want my mom. I want my dad. My brother. Please let me go." Hannah says, still crying but she then stops when she realize something.

"My parents. They were in the car with me. You - you did - you kill them!" Hannah shouted.

"You killed them! Why?!" Hannah shout while crying. She feels her heart ache realizing the fact that her parents has died.

"That's the only way for us to get you. They need to die so we can have you. Now sweetheart, this will hurt a bit, but the pain will soon go away." The guys was holding a syringe with a weird orange liquid in it and he want to inject it into her. She tries to stop him using her powers, but it didn't work.

"Oh sweetheart. Are you trying to stop this? You cant. That thing on your head, it made you powerless. But I like it. You're a fighter, and we need that." He says before he injected the weird orange liquid into her. Hannah wince when she feels the needle inside her.

"What are you doing to me?" Hannah ask and she starts to feel pain all over her body. Her head hurts, she feels like everything around her starts to shake. She feels hot. Her body feels really hot and there seems to be steam coming out from her skin.

"What did you do to me?" Hannah ask, scared with what's happening to her.

"You my child, will become my biggest and greatest creation." Say the guy before he leave her alone in that room, crying and screaming in pain.

"That's not all. Wait till you see what kind of other experiment they did to her. They tortured her like she's nothing. She was a child!" Tony shouted and the whole room went dead silent. They understand Tony's rage as that is exactly what they feel too. Tony went through her files and play another video of her and from that video, they can tell that Hannah is a teenager at that time.

"Good morning sweetheart. How was your nap?" The guy ask her. Hannah look around her and she got scared when she realize she was brought to the experiment room again. She hasn't been there for almost two years because she has been nothing but obedient to them.

"Why am I here? I followed your orders. Please let me go." Hannah says, pleading for his mercy.

"Sweetheart, you have been nothing but obedient and I am very thankful for that. I see that you have developed a new talent. A talent to heal yourself. That is why I am going to run a few test on you." The guy says with a smirk on his face.

"Let me see how well you can heal yourself and what's your limit." Hannah eyes showed how scared she was. She doesn't like to hear what he just say to her.

"Please don't. I have done everything you say. I have kill them just like you say. I show them no mercy. Please don't." Hannah pleads again, crying this time.

"Yes my child. You have done your job remarkably. But I need to know about this new talent of yours." The guy says before he grab a knife and stab Hannah's shoulder.

"Argh! Please stop! Argh!" Hannah screaming in pain when she can feel the knife being twisted inside her shoulder.

"Heal child. Heal yourself." The guy says after he pulls out the knife from her shoulder. Hannah heal herself as soon as the knife is out from her shoulder.

"Amazing. Let test on other parts."

"No please. Please. Argh! Stop please. Argh!"

"Stop!" They all turns their head towards the door and shocked to see Hannah standing there by the door with tears rolling down her cheeks.  


The torture and experiments that has put Hannah true is undeniably evil. And its normal for all of them to feel hurt and angry for what had happened to her in the past. But, how will Hannah react to the fact that they are watching her videos? Will she take it well or will it brings back the pain and memories?


I'm trying to write the torture scene as evil and cruel as I can but I cant. Not because I'm not capable to but I'm trying not to imagine about it. It will keep me up at night. Here's the thing about me. Whenever I write a scene or a whole chapter, I always put myself in the character shoes and try to imagine the scene in my head like I'm in it and if I write the torture scene too much, I will not be able to sleep at night. I tried actually, but I cant. Its too much for me to handle. But, I will change it in the future, when I'm ready. I hope you understand.


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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