Chapter 5

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"What do you want Loki?" Hannah said with annoyance in her voice and on her face. She's really not in the mood to talk to him at the moment.

"Now now. That's not a good way to talk to me does it. Considering the fact that I have something that might come handy for you." Loki said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Just spill it Loki. I don't have time for your games." Hannah said.

"Ah yes. Of course you don't." Loki said and he  look directly at Hannah's eyes and smirks.

"Afterall, you two must have a lot to catch up." Hannah furrows her eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Hannah ask in confusion.

"I am talking about your brother Hannah. How long has it been since you last saw him. 10 years? 15 years right?" Loki said with a taunting look on his face. 

"Stop." Hannah said trying to make him stop from saying anything else.

"Oh my sweetheart. He doesn't know you does he. You didn't tell him who you are." 

"I said stop Loki." Hannah said throw her greeted teeth.

"How long are you going to keep it. You should make your parents proud Hannah and I am sure Howard will be so proud to see his son and daughter together."

"That's enough!" Hannah walks closer to the cell. 

"You're a monster. I will make you pay for this."

"Oh no sweetheart. You brought the monster." Hannah furrows her eyebrows trying to digest what she just hears and that's when it hits her.

"Banner? That's your plan?"


"Nat. You got that?" Hannah said through her earpiece.

"Yes. I am on it." Natasha answer. Hannah then walks away from Loki heading towards the control room where Tony and the rest awaits.

"What the hell did he just say?" Tony asks with rage. 

"Answer me Fury. What the hell was that?!" Tony stands right in front of Nick and there's anger in his eyes.

"I don't think I have the right to say anything." Nick said.

"You think!" Tony grab Nick by the collar and was about to say something when Hannah stops him.

"Tony! That's enough. Let him go." Tony glance at her and he let Nick go.

"Care to explain why he mention my dad's name?" Tony ask and Hannah let out a heavy sigh.

"Our dad Tony. He's not just your dad, he's mine too." Hannah said and shock appear on his face. 

"With all due respect. We could care less about you two. What is Phase Two? What did you guys do? I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." Bruce said and all attention was on Nick again and Hannah tries to talk to Tony but he brush her off saying its not time yet for her lies.

"Because of him." Nick points at Thor.

"Me?" Thor ask confused.

"Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly and hilariously, out-gunned."

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor says.

"But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled." Nick reply.

"Like you controlled the cube!" Steve says while his hands on his hips.

"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for A HIGHER FORM OF WAR." Thor says. They have been fighting and bickering with each other and Hannah eyes are only on Bruce. She can tell that he's filled with anger.

"Yeah, this is a team." Bruce says sarcastically to everyone.

"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his" Nick says.

"WHERE? YOU RENTED MY ROOM!" Hannah can see a few faint green veins on his neck and Hannah steps forward and stands beside Steve. Hannah hand has already touch her gun on her back for precaution.

"The cell was just" Nick says.

"IN CASE YOU NEEDED TO KILL ME. BUT YOU CAN'T, I KNOW, I TRIED! I got low. I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" At this moment everyone is watching Bruce and both Natasha and Fury reach for their guns just like Hannah.

"Doctor Banner, put down the scepter." Steve says calmly towards Bruce. Banner looks down, surprised, to see the scepter in his hand. The monitor makes a noise, signaling the Tesseract has been located. Banner puts the scepter back on the table and walks over to the screen on the other side of the room.

"Oh my god." Bruce said.

"What?" Hannah ask. Before Bruce could answer her question, there was a blast coming from the engines and it seems to destroy one of it as everyone in the lab flying in different directions. Fury and Thor fall to the ground behind a table. Tony and Steve are blown to the entry way. Banner and Natasha fly out the Wishbone lab and into the lower equipment room. Steve, Hannah and Tony scramble to their feet.

"Put on the suit." Steve says to Tony.

"Yep." Tony answer. Steve helps Tony up and they run out of the lab. Hannah help Fury up and went straight to the weapon room to get her weapon. 


Hannah is Tony's little sister? How on earth does that happen? And why did Hannah keep it a secret from Tony? But how did Loki know about it? Something is fishy here. Dont you think? Oh well, I guess you would have to wait for the next chapter.


Just a quick question that has nothing to do with this book or MCU. Do you guys love tomatoes?


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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