Chapter 26

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Steve pull over in front of a house. He was about to say that they have arrive but stop when he sees that Hannah was asleep. Hannah sleep with a frown on her face, her forehead was wrinkle. She seems to be in pain. Steve pull a strand of hair on her face to the back of her ear. He touch Hannah's forehead gently trying to make the wrinkle go away.

Hannah wince a bit with his touch and it makes Steve frown. How much pain is she in? How bad did she gets hurt? Steve becomes really worried. He walk out of the car and open the car door from Hannah's side. He decide to bring her inside without waking her up. He froze when Hannah wince with the slightest touch from him.

"Are you okay?" Steve ask when he see Hannah open her eyes and she just nod to him but she knows that he wasn't satisfied with her answer.

"Are we there yet?" Hannah ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. We just arrive." Steve answer still standing at the car door staring at her.

"Well. We should get inside now. People might see us." Hannah says trying to stand up. Her ribs hurt but she tries really hard not to show it. The last thing that she needs is for Steve to worry about her.

"Let me carry you inside." Steve says trying to carry her inside bridal style.

"I'm fine. I'm a lot stronger than you think. Lets go." Hannah walk past Steve and he walk really close beside her so that if she falls, he can grab her before she touches the ground.

"Is this the house?" Hannah ask and Steve nod. They both step in front of the door and press a bell. In lest than a minute, a man open the door. He seems shocked to see both of them in front of their house looking like a mess.

"Hey man." That guy greets them.

"I'm sorry about this Sam but we need a place to lay low." Steve says to Sam.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Hannah says still trying to contain her pain.

"Not everyone." Sam says and move a little bit to let them get in.

Sam show them the guest room so that they can clean themselves. Hannah says thank you and went into the bathroom first. She gets herself clean. When she saw herself in front of the mirror,she can see why Steve was worried about her. She looks horrible.

Hannah walk out of the bathroom and see that Steve was standing in front of the bathroom. Hannah smiles at him and walk to the bed and sit there drying her hair with a towel. Steve glance at her for a few seconds before he went inside the bathroom and get clean.

Hannah dries her hair with a towel and while doing so, she keep thinking about what happened back there at the army camp. It brings back the anger that she felt when she was a kid after her parents was killed in front of her. The anger, rage, pain and nightmares has haunt her since that day and today it feel a lot more painful. She then remembers how Steve has save her life by guarding her with his shield.

Steve opens the bathroom door and he notices that Hannah looks sad and lost in her thoughts. He wants to know what she has been thinking but before he went near her, he saw a few cuts on her arms. It hurts him to see her like that. It makes him judge his decision in bringing her with him on this mission.

"You okay?" Steve ask Hannah and grab a chair to sit in front of her.

"Yeah." Hannah answer and she stares into Steve eyes. Steve can see that her eyes fulls of question and sadness.

"What is it? You can tell me." Steve say with concern in his voice. Hannah sigh before she answer his question.

"When I first joined SHIELD after Nat and Clint saved me, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I am still with HYDRA." Hannah says with a faint smile. Steve hold her hand and rub her wrist with his thumb.

"You didn't know. We didn't know." Steve says gently and that's when it hits her. Steve sacrifice himself with the thought that he ends HYDRA but it turns out, they still there, hiding in the shadows.

"You save me. Why? You could get hurt." Hannah ask looking straight into his eyes.

"Because I love you. I will do everything in my power to make sure you safe." Steve answer still looking into her eyes.

"If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?" Hannah ask.

"Yes." Steve answer while his other hand touches Hannah's cheeks gently. Hannah was immerse with his touch. It makes her feel safe and calm.

"I made breakfast. If you guys... eat that sort of thing." Sam says to both of them after he knocks at the door. Steve nod at him and Hannah give him a smile before Sam went back to the kitchen. 


Steve says the 'L' word!!! Finally! I have been wanting to write that for a long time now and I finally decide that this chapter is perfect! But, Hannah still didn't give her answer yet. What could her answer be? Will she tell Steve that she feels the same way or will she say that she didnt feel the same way to keep him safe? What do you think she will say?


This will be the last chapter that I will upload for today. I promise I will upload another chapter in three days.  And before that day come, I hope you guys enjoys reading this. 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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