Chapter 7

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"Hannah you're not. Tony let her go." Steve says and this time, his intonation has change. There's no more calmness in his voice. His intonation change to stern.

"Care to elaborate?" Tony says letting both of Hannah's arm go. Hannah take a deep breath and her breath sounds really heavy when she let it go.

"You were thirteen when mom got pregnant and they didn't tell you anything about it because they want to surprise you when I born and since you live in a boarding school and you were mad at dad and you didn't come home for a year, it makes it a lot easier for them." Hannah stop and take another heavy breath. Steve can sense that Hannah doesn't seems to be ready to tell Tony anything but sooner or later, Hannah will have to tell him anyway.

"When I was born, they said that they were happy and cant wait to tell you about me when you get home. But, after a week I was born, something happen." Hannah stops again but this time a lot longer than before and it makes Tony impatient.

"What happen Hannah?" Tony says with urgency and demanding in his voice.

"I kill someone. I kill the person that they have hired to look after me. I kill her with just a single touch." Tony and Steve both look shocked with what they just hear.

"After that happen, dad has done a few experiments on me and he has found out that I am not an ordinary human. I am capable of doing things that no one else can. And dad sees me as a threat to mom and everyone around me. I cant control my powers. He made mom not to tell you about me and he hid me from the world. I was kept at his lab basement. I cant go out. One day, I did. And that was the first time that I ever met you. You were twenty-one years old at that time and I was eight. You saw me standing in front of dad's lab. Do you remember?" Tony didn't answer but Hannah knew from the look on his face, he do remember.

"That was the day I first saw you and also the last, or so I thought. Dad and mom was supposed to bring me to SHIELD that day, since they have found a way to make it stop, to make it go away. But, we weren't able to reach SHIELD. Someone attack us. The car accident wasn't really an accident. Someone attack us and he kill them in front of me and he took me away."

Hannah stops again and this time she seems to be in pain. Tears wont stop pouring down her cheeks and her hands starts to tremble. Steve notice her condition. His right hand hold her arm softly and turn her to face him. His left arm touches her right cheek and he looks at her worriedly. Hannah cant open her eyes. A memory that she has work hard to forget starts to emerge and it hurts her.

She can still remember how she was locked away in a cell. How they has torture her everyday nonstop just so that she will cooperate with them. She can still remember the pain that she has to gone through everyday for seven years. She still remembers all the experiments that they have done on her and how everytime she retaliate, they manage to contain her powers so that she wouldn't be able to use it on them. Every single day that she has to spend there for seven years was like hell to her.

They train her to kill. Everyday, they will bring an innocent people for her to kill and if she didn't, they threaten to kill Tony. Hannah doesn't know what to do but she doesn't want Tony to die. She doesn't want anyone to harm him. She loves him. He's the only family that she has left.

This give her no choice but to give them her full cooperation. After five years they trained her to be a killer, Hannah was given her first mission. Everyone has a code name there and no one ever call her by her real name. They called her Enchantress. She's a killing machine. Whatever mission they gave her, she will succeed perfectly without a flaw.

But then, after two years being Enchantress, she has become one of the most wanted killer and SHIELD has try everything that they can to capture her and one day, they did. Clint and Natasha has manage to capture her and they were ordered to kill her but instead, they show her mercy. They show her that she deserve to have a second chance. The council of course doesn't like the idea but Nick has manage to persuade them somehow and that's was when she starts her first training as SHIELD's agent.

She was trained to protect and save people, not killing them. Nick, Natasha and Clint are the only people who know about the truth.After a year of training, she has become one of SHIELD's top agents. She has become one of SHIELD's biggest asset for five years until two years ago when she disobey their orders in order for her to protect Tony's life.

"Who took you?" Tony ask standing close to her. She didn't answer his question.

"Tony that's enough!" Steve says while still holding Hannah's arm and cheek.

"No captain. I need to know. Hannah. Who took you?!"

"You don't have to answer Hannah. Just try to breath okay. Calm down. I am here." Steve says while wiping her tears but it was no use. It keep pouring down her cheeks.

Hannah only realize how close Steve was when she hears his voice bickering with Tony, telling him to stop. When she hears Steve's voice, it makes her feel calm and relax. Steve's touches makes her feel at ease. She can feel her pain slowly easing but she can still feel the pain. She open her eyes and saw Steve looking at her. Looking at Steve's eyes and see how calm and assuring he looks, it gives her courage to answer Tony's question.

"Its Hydra. They took me."


Hannah kill a person with just a single touch? Wow, what else could she probably do? Oh, and Steve has start showing his protectivenes towards Hannah. Wonder what will happen next?


Just a quick question. What do you think will happen in Avengers 4?


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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