Chapter 49

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After spending another week in the lab, Hannah was finally allowed to leave the lab and sleeps in her own room. When she enters her room, she went straight to her bed. The lab bed is comfortable but it makes her feels depress and dull, like a hospital bed. Her own bed on the other hand, feels like heaven. She roll on her bed until she finds a comfortable position.

Hannah glance at her window when she finds a comfortable position. The window was close so she open it with a single swift of her hand. She look at the view out of her window and it reminds her of how much she loves this view especially at night. The view makes her feel calm and relax and it also makes her forget everything for a while.

"Hannah?" Steve knock before he opens the door and call her name.


"Hey. I have something to tell you." Steve says before he lays beside Hannah.

"And what would that be?" Hannah says as she lays her head on his chest.

"I have to go on a mission with everyone except for Bruce and you in an hour."

"Wait what? Why am I not going?"

"You're just got out from the lab. When you're okay and healthy again, then we will let you get back in a mission."

"Or you mean until I or you guys figure out whether I'm a threat or not." Hannah says sarcastically.

"No. You will never be a threat. What makes you think like that?" Steve says as he sit down and gesturing Hannah to do so.

"Well I don't know. Since I woke up, you guys have been tip toeing around me. You guys are so obvious you know."

"Hey. We are tip toeing not because we see you as a threat, we were trying not to make you feel like you're threat."

"You guys did a terrible job at it then."

"I can tell. We are sorry, I'm sorry I make you feel like that." Steve says as he plays with Hannah's hand.

"Does that mean I'm on the mission?" Hannah ask with a grin.

"No you're not." Steve says and he smiles when Hannah pout.

"Besides, Bruce says he need you in the lab this evening. Something to do with running a few more test."

"What? Why don't he just drain my blood already. My hands are already swollen with all of these needles." Hannah says and Steve frowns when he hears that.

"Let me see." He ask and Hannah pull her sleeve to show him the swollen and dark purple bruises.

"Why didn't you heal yourself?" Steve ask while stroking the bruises.

"I don't know. I'm scared maybe. With the Aether in me, I don't know how powerful I am. Lets not risk it." Hannah says and Steve kisses her bruises and that was when he notice the bracelet on Hannah's hand.

"You know. You have been wearing that bracelet since you got back and I'm pretty sure you didn't wear any before."

"Yeah, Odin gave it to me. He said it was one of his late mother possession. I like it actually."

"I can tell." Steve says before he pecks her lips and leave the tower for his mission.

"Bruce?" Hannah call out for him when she enters the lab.

"Here." Bruce answer and Hannah see a hand from under the desk.

"Umm, what are you doing under there?"

"I was trying to find a needle. I dropped it and the last thing that I need is a needle running around and harm someone."

"Bruce, its just a needle."

"Aha! Found it." He says as he crawl out from under the desk and show Hannah the needle. Hannah smiles when she sees how happy Bruce is when he finally able to find the needle.

"Are they all gone already?" Bruce ask.

"Yeah. Just a few minutes ago. So, what do you need me for? How many blood do you need to draw?" Bruce frowns when he hears Hannah question.

"Blood? No, this time I don't need your blood. Come, follow me." Bruce says as he offers Hannah his arm for Hannah to hold.

"You're not asking me to teach you how to dance right?" Hannah says grabbing his arm.

"What? No. I need to test you for something else." Bruce says as they took the elevator and walk into the training room. It was the training room where Hannah practice on how much her power and body could handle.

"Let me guess. You want to test on my new power. How much it has evolve?" Bruce nod.

"What if something went wrong?"

"You will be fine Hannah."

"Not me. You. I don't want to hurt you or anyone."

"I know, that is why I will be standing behind that glass like last time." Hannah saw the room behind the glass and she look at Bruce before she nods.

"Okay then, lets begin." Bruce says.


One more chapter to go! Are you excited! I am excited! Cant wait to finish this book and let you guys read my next fan-fiction! By the way, have fun reading guys!


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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