Chapter 44

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"Jane!" Darcy Lewis says.

"Hey." Jane says as she enters the house hurriedly followed by Hannah and Thor. Thor stop near the coat hanger and hang his hammer on it.

"You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy! All the stuff we saw is spreading. Did you go to a party?" Darcy ask Jane when she sees Jane in Asgardian clothes but Jane ignore her when she notices Erik for the first time.

"Erik?!" Jane says.

"Jane, how wonderful. You have been to Asgard." Erik says as he hugs Jane and both Hannah and Thor was shocked to see that he's not wearing any pants.

"Hannah. Nice to see you again." Erik says and he hug her. She awkwardly hug  him back as the fact that he's not wearing pants make her uncomfortable.

"Nice to see you too. Can I use your phone. I need to call Tony. He's gonna freak out." Hannah says. Darcy hand Hannah her phone and Hannah walk to a window a bit far away from them. She dials Tony number but he didn't pick up, so she tries Steve but he also doesn't pick up. She then calls Bruce and after a few ring, he picks up the phone.

"Hello, Dr.Banner here."

"Bruce. Hey its me, Hannah."

"Hannah? How are you? Are you back on earth already?"

"Yeah I am. I just got here. Listen, I try to call Tony and Steve, but they didn't pick up their phone."

"Oh yeah. They are currently in Russia. We had a lead on the scepter, so Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint went there. Wait, if you already here, why aren't you at the tower? Where are you?"

"Its a long story Bruce, I will tell you that later. As for where I am, I have no idea where I am at the moment. But I'm fine. No need to worry. If they home and I'm not there yet, please tell them not to worry. I am fine."

"Yeah sure. Hannah be careful okay."

"I will Bruce. Talk to you soon." Hannah says before she ends the call and give the phone back to Darcy.

"Thank you." Hannah says to Darcy.

"You're welcome." Darcy says.

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it. All the great constructions, the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map. Stonehenge, the Great Orme. These are all coordinated taking us... here." Erik says as he draws on the map.

"Greenwich?" Hannah says.

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistics. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Jane says and Thor summons Mjolnir and it shoots over to Thor's hand as soon as Jane finish her sentence.

"We need to get moving." Hannah says and they all starts moving and grabs everything that they would need.

When they arrive in Greenwich, they separate into three group. Jane with Erik, Darcy with Ian and Hannah with Thor. Both Hannah and Thor stand in front of the ship that Malekith was on and they see Malekith and his dark elves step out of the ship when the ship stops in the middle of the grounds.

"You needn't have come so far, Asgardian! Death would have come to you soon enough." Malekith says.

"Not by your hand!" Thor says and Hannah conjure her sword in both of her hands and Malekith look at her in shock.

"You're not an Asgardian. Who are you?" Malekith ask Hannah.

"Hannah Stark, you're right. I'm not an Asgardian, I'm from Earth and you threaten to destroy my home." Hannah says.

"Tell me, how a mere Midgardian could possibly possess such power?" Malekith says.

"Born with it." Hannah says.

"Impressive. However, your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished." Malekith says before he uses the power of Aether to attack both Thor and Hannah but Thor manage to narrowly miss getting hit by it while Hannah create a shield protecting her from the attack.

"You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder." Thor says.

"So do I." Hannah says with a smirk on her face.

Thor throws his hammer towards Malekith and he shield himself using the Aether but Hannah got to it fast. She throw one of her sword towards the front of Mjolnir as it pierce throw the Aether and Thor throw the Mjolnir towards Malekith that send him across the ground and smashes him against the library building. 


And again, as I promise, another chapter for this book. 6 more to go. Have fun reading guys!


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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