Chapter 20

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"Lady Hannah." Thor greets her before hugging her tightly.

"Thor." Hannah says hugging him back awkwardly as they are not that close for this affection but Hannah doesn't want to be rude and she also know he means good.

"Heimdall told me you have contacted him." Thor says letting Hannah go. Hannah was about to answer him when she sense Natasha and Bruce running towards them.

"Lady Romanoff. Banner." Thor nod at both of them and so do they.

"You should not be using too much of your powers. Heimdall was worried and he made me come here as soon as the war end." Thor says, concern in his voice.

"War?" Bruce ask.

"I need to bring back peace of all the realm after what Loki has done." Thor answer.

"Maybe we should get inside." Hannah says and they all walk inside. Once they reach the elevator they all went inside except for Hannah.

"I will meet you guys there in the kitchen." Hannah says before teleporting herself into the kitchen. As soon as she arrive in the kitchen, she was startled to see Steve standing in front of the fridge. They both just stand there looking at each other eyes trying to read each other mind which they have failed terribly.

"Lady Hannah. You shouldn't be using too much of your powers. It will drain you." Thor says walking towards her worriedly.

"I am fine. And please. Just call me Hannah." Hannah says towards Thor with a little stern in her voice.

"No you're not. If you are, you wouldn't be having nightmares." Hannah head jerks towards him and so does Steve. Natasha and Bruce just share a look on their face. A worried look.

"Thor. You and Heimdall both need to stop creeping on me." Hannah says with annoyance but Thor doesn't seems to care.

"Its an order from the All Father. Me and Heimdall are told to look out after you. After all, you are considered as one of us." Thor says.

"One of us?" Steve ask with confusion on his face.

"Yes. She is one of us as her powers are the same level as a God, and All Father believe that she's a lot more powerful than a God. That is why, the All Father, my father, Odin believe that she is one of us and will be treated as so." Thor says answering Steve confusion. Steve look at Hannah and he can see through her eyes that she's doesn't like what she just heard.

"Thor. I am not one of you. And he's lying. He didn't ask Heimdall and you to look after me because he considered me as one of you, but because I am a threat." Hannah was about to say something but then was interrupted by Tony.

"Thor. You need to stop wearing your moms clothes." Tony says and it makes everyone there roll their eyes except for Thor.

"Mind your words Stark. If its not because of Hannah, I will have throw this hammer on your face." Thor says threatening him. Tony raised his eyebrow when he heard what Thor just said.

"Are you - is this one of your way - the Asgardian way of telling me that you like my sister. Because I will kill you if you do." Tony says with a threatening voice at the end of his sentence.

"Ugh. Here we go again." Bruce says while rubbing his head in annoyance.

"Wait. What do you mean again?" Hannah ask. Both Tony and Bruce just ignore her question and also avoiding her glare.

"I assume you are here because of the scepter." Natasha ask.

"Yes. Heimdall have inform me that Hydra have them. Is that correct?" Thor says.

"Unfortunately yes. But, Banner has been working on it at the moment. We will be able to find it soon." Steve says before taking a sip of his water.

"We just want to know everything that you know about the scepter." Bruce says looking at Thor.

"And also we will need your help on retrieving it." Tony says grabbing his coffee and stands beside Hannah.

"Yes of course. Anything that you need in getting that scepter." Thor ask following Bruce to his lab, followed by Tony.

"Brief everything to me later Tony. Fury just put me on a mission with Natasha. Oh and, I will be staying at my apartment for a while. Maybe until this mission is done." Hannah jerk her head towards Steve when she hears what he just said. She was acting all paranoid at the moment.

Steve walk towards his room to pack some of his stuff. He notice Hannah's eyes were on him but he doesn't have the power to look at her. Whenever he look at her, he was reminded with what happened last night. How his heart ache when he sees her in that state. How he wish that he can hold her and tell her he will be there for her. How he wish that he can just hug her whenever he wants. Steve stop with whatever he was doing when he hears a knock on his door. He open the door and his eyes soften when he sees the person standing in front of him.



Steve is moving out? What could be the reason to his sudden decision? And what could Hannah possibly want to say to Steve?


A present for you as I have been MIA for a very long time. Two chapter in a day! Yeay! Have fun reading guys. 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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