Chapter 13

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"What about him?" Hannah shifts her body uncomfortably and Natasha being an amazing spy, she notice it.

"Are you mad at him?"

"No. Why did you ask that?" Natasha could tell that she's lying.

"What is this about Hannah? Is this because he told me to close the portal?" Hannah just remains silent. She didn't say a word and she keep playing with her fingers. She always does that when she's nervous and Natasha knew that.

"Hannah, if you are mad at him, then you should be mad at me too." Hannah jerks her head and she look at Natasha with confusion.

"Why?" Hannah ask.

"Because I close the portal. I follow his orders when I can just ignore it. Its not fair for you to only be mad at him and not at me." Natasha says while holding Hannah's left hand.

"You're different Nat. You only follow his orders and besides, you have to save everyone."

"That's what he was doing too." Natasha cares Hannah's cheek. Natasha has always love Hannah like she's her own sister. Whatever hurts Hannah, hurts her too and protecting Hannah is her's and Clint's number one mission. Hannah look at Natasha and she sights.

"I know. I just... I don't know Nat. I don't know why I am acting like this." Natasha look at Hannah lovingly. She knows why Hannah was acting that way, but Hannah didn't realize it yet.

"Sweetheart. Just don't regret your decisions to not talking to him. Life is too short. Don't spent your life avoiding him when you can just talk to him." Hannah nod and smiles at Natasha. Thanking her for her advice. They then later talk about something else that wasn't related to Steve.

"Clint. Knock." Steve says annoyed at him for always barging into his room but Clint just brush him off.

"o you want to drink?" Clint ask Steve.

"I thought you said you have somewhere to go with Nat?" Steve ask.

"Yeah. But she bail on me to chat with Hannah." Steve shift his body uncomfortably and Clint smirk looking at him.

"What?" Steve ask raising his eyebrow.

"You are really obvious." Clint say still smirking.

"About what?" Steve ask with confusion on his face.

"You like her." Clint say.

"Hannah? No I don't." Steve says denying Clint's assumption.

"I didn't say her name." Clint say grinning to his ears. Steve sigh doesn't know how to respond to that.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Clint ask and Steve give him the 'you know why look'.

"What?" Clint ask.

"Can't you see? She hates me." Clint laugh.

"Hate is a strong word Steve and she doesn't hate you." Clint says.

"What makes you think that?" Steve ask Clint.

"I know her very well Steve. She's not the type of person to hate someone. She may look tough, but she has a really soft heart. Just talk to her. She will listen." Clint say and pat Steve on his shoulder before walking to his door.

"Wait. Is that why you are here?" Steve ask when Clint was already walking a step out from his room.

"Yup." Clint says laughing and head to Hannah's room.

"Ladies. May I join?" Clint says peeking his head into Hannah's room.

"Will you leave if I say no?" Hannah ask.

"Puff. No." Clint say walking to Hannah's bed and laying in front of both Natasha and Hannah while Natasha sits beside her.

"Where were you?" Hannah ask.

"Talking to Steve." Clint say.

"Oh." Clint and Natasha laugh with Hannah's response.

"What?!" Hannah ask but they both just keep on laughing at her.

"Jarvis." Tony says walking in the tower.

"Yes sir." Jarvis answer right away.

"Where's Hannah?" Tony ask him wanting to know about Hannah first before giving Jarvis his next order.

"She's in her room with Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff." Jarvis says and Tony nod to his answer.

"Call everyone to the conference room now."

"Captain. Mr.Stark require you in the conference room now." Jarvis says to Steve.

"Ms.Hannah, Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton. Mr.Stark require the three of you in the conference room now." Jarvis says informing them Tony's order.

"Thanks Jarvis." Hannah says.

"You're welcome Miss." The three of them stand up and walk out from Hannah's room and once they were out, they saw Steve coming out from his room too. Both Hannah and Steve look at each other for almost a minute before she walks towards the elevator. Once they arrive at the conference room, they saw Tony sitting on one of the chairs in the room with Bruce by his side looking frustrated. Tony ran and hug Hannah as soon as he saw her.

"I'm sorry for being away longer than I'm supposed to." Tony says still hugging Hannah.

"Its okay Tony. I understand." He let go of her and kiss her head before asking all of them to take a sit.

"So, why do you call us Tony?" Steve ask and Tony look at Bruce before taking a deep breath.

"Its about Loki's scepter. Its gone."


Clint and Natasha lovea to hang out with Hannah and I will show more of their interaction later in other chapter. Oh, Loki's scepter is missing!? How and why? The answer is in the next chapter. See you guys there.


Just a quick question, is it true that in the comic, T'Challa was supposed to be married to Storm from X-Men not Nakia?


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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