Chapter 37

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"Steve. I know you're here." Hannah says before she opens her eyes. She can see Steve leaning against the window in front of her.

"How long have you been staring?" Hannah ask with a smirk on her face.

"Its not staring." Steve says. A small smile appears on both of their face. Hannah pat her bed asking Steve to lay beside her. Hannah put her head on his chest with one of her hand on it too. Steve plays with her fingers and after a few minutes he let out a heavy sigh.

"What is it?" Hannah ask eventhough she know why.

"Nothing." Steve says and his answer makes Hannah look at him.

"You're a terrible liar Steve." Hannah says with a chuckle and Steve just smile but his eyes fill with worries.

"What is it? Is it about me?" Hannah ask with Steve still looking at him.

"Are you okay?" Steve ask and Hannah frowns with his question.

"I mean after seeing that video and -"

"And knowing that HYDRA sent them. Yeah. I wasn't okay." Hannah says cutting Steve off and it makes Steve worried more. She can feel that Steve trying to make her feel better by stroking her back with his hand.

"But I am now. You make me feel better." Hannah says with a smile and it makes a smile cross Steve's face.

"I know you have a lot of question and I know you are not going to ask me anything, but I think I am ready to tell you everything. Including stuffs about Loki." Hannah says and she can feel Steve tense a little bit.

"You know what, its okay. I trust you." Steve says while stroking his hand on her back.

"And I trust you but I am still going to tell you about it. So, can you hear it until the end before you ask me any question?" Hannah ask.

"Hannah. Its okay. You don't have to tell me." Steve says.

"But I want to. Please." Hannah says with a pleading eyes and it makes Steve's heart soft. He nod to her and they both sit on the bed facing each other with Hannah legs on his lap and her head on his chest. He hug her and gently rubbing her back.

"I met Loki after I joined SHIELD. The first time we met was when I tried using my powers to talk to people outside earth out of curiosity and that was when I stumble into Loki's mind. I got attracted to his mind because all I can see was mischievous tricks, his brother Thor, his mother Frigga and his father Odin. He wasn't born bad you know at least not then." Hannah take a deep breath before she continue and Steve plays with her hair to calm her down.

"We start talking through his mind. After a few months, we have become close. It was my birthday after a year knowing each other when he decided to visit earth to meet me. We met, we talk and we connect. You can say, I fall for him. We were in love and I still do love him. He was a really good person or God before but the desire to prove his worthiness to his father change him. He was so into proving himself that he will do whatever it takes and he got lost. The old him that I fall in love with, the guy that I love was gone." Hannah sigh when she remember when she sees the changes in him.

"The last time that I met him was before he did treason on Asgard. He tried to overthrown Odin and he also make Odin banish Thor to earth. He told me about his plan and I tried to stop him, but he doesn't listen and that was when I make him choose. Me or power and he choose power. Since then, I stop talking and meeting him. I make sure he can never find me. It wasn't easy for me to forget him, like I said, I love him, but I'm no longer in love with him. And please don't ever think that I don't love you. I love you Steve and I am in love with you and I choose you." Hannah says while she touch his cheek and Steve smiles hearing her last words. He kisses her. It is a gentle and sweet kiss.

"I love you too and I choose you." Steve says.

"I doubt that. Tell me that again after I tell you everything, every terrible thing that I have done when I'm with HYDRA, that is if you haven't run away yet." Hannah says and it made Steve frown his forehead and he quickly touches her cheeks with his both hand.

"I know everything that you have done. Nick have told me this morning when Sam and I went to his grave. He showed me your file and tells me everything because he doesn't want me to hurt you by running away after I know the truth."

"And you still here?" Hannah ask.

"And I'm still here and I'm not planning on going anywhere." Steve answer.

"Why?" Hannah ask.

"Because Hannah, I love you from the moment I set my eyes on you, I have fallen for you and I will always love you. And I will always choose you." Steve says and Hannah hug him tightly doesn't want to lose him. She never knew that she will fall in love again and this time, with a guy that will still choose her despite every terrible thing that she has done in the past.

"Hannah. I think I need to leave now. Tony wouldn't want me to stay here any longer." Steve says.

"Please stay. He doesn't know about us, so he wont be barging into my room." Hannah says.

"Yeah. About that. He know. I sort of tell him already just now when I kinda say that I love you when you almost lose control of your powers." Steve says with a guilty smile on his face.

"What? When?" Hannah ask while she tries to remember and before Steve could answer she already remember.

"Oh never mind. I remember already. Oh wow. What did he say?" Hannah ask.

"Nothing much. Just a man to man talk. A brother to little sister's boyfriend talk." Steve says with a smile.

"You are not going to tell me are you?" Hannah ask slightly glaring at him.

"Nope I wont." Steve answer before he kisses her again.


Hannah has open up to Steve about her past with Loki and Steve still trust and love her no matter what. But what will happen in the future? Will they be able to defeat the great evil that's coming on their way? Or will they fall apart and take their own separate ways?


The relationship between Hannah and Steve is the kind of relationship that I always wanted since forever. A strong relationship. I always believe that when it comes to relationship, love is not enough. You need respect, honesty, trust and support but unfortunately, that kind of relationship is really hard to get.


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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