Chapter 31

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Steve stands on a bridge and he stares in the distant. He's having flashback about the times that he has spent with Bucky back then. The most standout moment that he remember was after Steve's mother's funeral where Bucky has spent his time with him and try to cheer him up. Bucky was really a good friend of his.

Steve doesn't have a lot of friends and Bucky has been there for him since the beginning of his life. No matter where Bucky is, he never fails to be there for him when he needed someone. Since he was a kid, Steve always the target for bullies because of how small he is but Bucky, he was there to stand up for him. Steve's thoughts of Bucky are interrupted as Sam and Hannah joins him on the bridge.

"He's gonna be there, you know?" Sam says.

"I know." Steve says.

"Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop." Sam says and Steve sighs when he hears that.

"I don't know if I can do that." Steve says. Sam was about to say something but Hannah stop him.

"Sam. Can you leave us for a sec." Hannah says and it makes Sam turn to look at her. He nod after a few seconds and walk back inside to get ready. Hannah walk towards Steve and stand close to him. She hold Steve's right hand with her left hand and let their fingers intertwined while the other hand hold Steve's left cheek.

"Steve. Look at me." Hannah says and Steve turns to look at her immediately when he hears Hannah call him by his name. As soon as he turn, his heart feels warm with her smiles.

"No matter what people say about him, don't give up. He needs you more than anything right now." Hannah says and it hurts her to see Steve eyes as tears was about to fall from his eyes.

"He doesn't remember me. How am I supposed to help him?" Steve say and Hannah know he tries to hold his tears but Hannah prefer for him to cry instead of bottled up his feelings.

"He will remember you. Don't give up. I will help you." Hannah says and Steve stares into Hannah's eyes. He can see that Hannah is sincere and serious in wanting to help him.

"He may have done terrible things, but he's not a lost cause." Hannah says and Steve nod.

"Thank you Hannah." Steve says and Hannah gives him the sweetest smile that he has ever seen.

"And Steve..." Hannah was about to say something but she stops. She ponders for a few second before her right hand went to the back of Steve's head and bring his face closer to hers. She look into Steve's eyes before she kiss him. Steve was shocked with her kiss. He doesn't know how to react. Hannah then pull from the kiss and look into his eyes.

"This is my answer to your confession. I think I love you too Steve." Hannah says and at first Steve can't seems to believe what he just hear.

"What did you say?" Steve ask again with a grin on his face.

"I said, I love you too Steve." As soon as Hannah say that, Steve pull her for another kiss. This time, he kiss her passionately. Their passionate kiss turns into a steamy kiss when one of his hands rest on her waist and pull her body closer to him while his other hand hold the back of her head. They both moan between kisses and after a while, they both pull apart, gasping for air to breathe. Steve rest his forehead on Hannah's.

"Wow." Steve says.

"Yeah wow." Hannah says.

"I should have confess sooner." Steve says and it makes Hannah giggle.

"You should have." Hannah says before she bite her lower lips. As soon as Steve sees that, he kiss her again. Hannah moan when Steve hands rubbing her back as it sends shiver to her whole body.

"Steve." Hannah says between kisses.

"Hmm..." Steve says after they both pulls away from the kiss.

"We need to get ready. They are waiting for us." Hannah says, feeling a bit sad that they have to stop. Steve can see that through her.

"Don't worry. After this mission, we will spend more time together. I promise." Steve says before he kisses her forehead and they both walk back inside holding hands. When they were inside, they were greeted with frustrated Sam.

"Dude. What taking you guys so long. We don't really have much time here." Sam says and both Hannah and Steve chuckles seeing how frustrated he is.

"Gear up, it's time." Steve says.

"You gonna wear that?" Sam ask.

"No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." Steve smirk when he says that and it makes both Hannah and Sam stare at each idea knowing that they both wont like whatever Steve just said.


Hannah finally tell Steve about her true feelings and what will their future hold? What will happen when Tony finds out? What will happen during their mission? Will they succeed?


I am a huge fan of Harry Edward Styles and I miss him. <Sobs> But his songs has been helping. >Lol<


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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