Chapter 47

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"How is she?" They all ask in unison when Bruce step foot outside the lab and Hannah chuckles when she hear them.

"She's fine. Like I always say, she's fine. There's nothing wrong with her. But I think she need to rest."

"She has been sleeping for a whole week."

"I know Sam, but, I don't think she was sleeping at all the whole week."

"What? What does that mean?" Tony ask as he doesn't understand what was Bruce trying to say.

"From what she has been telling me, it seems like she has been awake all this time." All of them look at Bruce with shocked.

Hannah can sense how tense their conversation is from afar. She knows that none of them understand whatever Bruce tells them, neither do she. Bruce said that she has been unconscious the whole week, but she definitely isn't. She was awake but the difference was, she's not there in the tower. She's back in Svartalfheim.

She has been there, lost and alone. She tried everything that she can to get out of there, but nothing is working. No matter where she goes, she will always return to the exact same place. The place where Loki's body lies. Sometimes, she mourns beside him but sometimes she just ignore him and keep walking so that she can find something or someone, but there's nothing.

She has lost count with how long she has been spending time there alone when something out of ordinary happen. Loki's body was no longer there but instead there was something else that floats in circle above the ground where his body used to lay. There was five gems or stones, she cant tell, but they all shine with different colors. She remembers how the glow brighten each time she took a step near it.

When she get close enough, she can see what colour they are. There's blue, purple, yellow, orange and green. She raise her hand and touch the purple stone, the moment she touches it, a sudden urge of power and energy came through her. The amount of power and energy that go through was so strong and it scares her, so she let it go.

She then touch the yellow stone. The yellow stone however feels different. It doesn't sends her power or energy, but instead, it shows her things, things that she never knew could be done. It also shows her all of her abilities what could she do and how far can she force herself to use it.

She let go of the yellow stone and move her hand towards the green stone. When she touches the green stone, she was shocked to see her parents standing there, alive and well. They were both smiling at her.

"Hannah sweetheart." Her mother, Maria says. Hannah eyes filled with tears when she hears her voice. She misses her a lot. She ran to her, wanting to hug her and cries in her mother's arm, but when she tries to touch her, her hands went through her mother.

"What? No! Mom.." Hannah sobs as tears starts to fall down her cheeks.

"Sweetheart come on. We should go." Her father, Howard says.

"I don't want to go. Where are you taking me?" Hannah hear a child voice from behind her.

When she turns around, she was shocked to see her, when she was a kid, standing there. Out of shock, Hannah take a step back from the three of them, that was when she realize where she is. It was he dad's lab's basement. She looks around her and saw a calendar. It was December 18th, 1991. Hannah gasp in shocked. It was the date when her parents was killed.

"We are going to SHIELD, sweetheart." Maria says as she approaches the little Hannah.

"Mommy, what is SHIELD."

"Its where daddy works sweetheart." Howard says as he crouches in front of little Hannah.

"I'm not supposed to go out." Both Maria and Howard look at little Hannah with sadness.

"Sweetheart, we are sorry for not letting you out." Maria says.

"Its okay mommy. I don't want either. I'm scared I will hurt someone, especially you two and Tony."

"When we get there, they will help you to learn how to control your powers. Then, when you're able to do that, you can go out whenever you want princess." Howard says.

"Does that means I can see Tony and ask him to play with me?"

"Yes princess, you can play with as long as you want." Howard says and little Hannah hug him tightly.

"Thank you daddy."

"Now we should go. They are waiting for us." Howard says as they all went out of the lab.

"No! No! No! Don't go! You'll die! Please don't go. Stop!" Hannah shouted as she keeps trying to pull her parents from moving, but it was no use. No matter how hard she tries or how loud she screams, nothing happen. Hannah watch them drove away with pain in her heart.

"Please don't go. Please don't leave me." Hannah cries as she kneels and watch her parents car slowly fade away.

She was then back to Svartalfheim. She let go of the green stone and look at it as it floats back to the rest of the stones. There's two stones left that she didn't touch, the orange and the blue stone. She look at the two stones and contemplating on which one she should touch first.

When she has made up her mind, she wipe her tears and stands up. She raise her hand to touch the orange stone. As soon as she touch the stone, she was hit with a lot of pain and it made her kneels to the ground. She closes her ears when she hears a lot of different voices, screaming in pain and rage.

Hannah has never felt this much pain before. Throughout the times that she has been torture by HYDRA, she has never felt this painful. No matter how hard she clutch her hands to her ears, the scream wont fade away. She then saw flashes of faces. She doesn't know any of them, but she can feel their pain. She screams in agony as the pain was too much for her to handle. She let go of the stone but the pain is still there.

After 30 minutes of feeling the pain and screaming in agony, the pain slowly starts to fade away. Hannah kneels there with her hands still at her ears. Her breath are uneven, her whole body is shaking and she's covered in sweats. She take a deep breath a couple of times and it did help her to calm down. She look at all of the stone and her eyes fix on the last stone.

Her hand stops midair as fear creeps in her when she raise it to touch the blue stone. She got really scared. She don't know what that blue stone will do to her considering how much pain the orange stone makes her feel. But, curiosity got the best of her and she touch the blue stone.

As soon as her hand touches the stone, she closes her eyes as it makes her feels like there's a strong wind hit her face and it also makes her lungs feels like it was shrinking. After a few seconds, the wind stop and Hannah jolts, gasping for air. Her lungs hurt every single time she's gasping for air. When she hears Tony's and Steve's voice, that was when she realize, she's no longer in Svartalfheim. She's at the tower. She's finally home. 


Yes! I manage to keep my promise this far! There's still 3 more chapter to go. Have fun reading guys! 


Do leave a comment about what you think of it and vote if you want to. No pressure.

And spread love and positivity. Be kind to one another.

Lots of love, Lina. 

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