|1| Somewhere New

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"You call

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"You call. You write. You text. You skype-"

"Mom, I will. I promise."

"I'm going to miss you so much." My mother says pulling me into a tight hug. I smile as I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm gonna miss you too mom. And I'm also going to miss my flight if you don't let go."

"Right." She lets go and I step back.

"I love you. Call me when you land."

"I will mom. I love you too." I pick up my bag from the ground and start to walk inside when my mom starts talking again.

"And tell your brother to call me too!"

"I will mom!" I keep walking inside and go up to check my bag.

Today was the day I was finally moving to Hawaii to live with my older brother Everest. He moved there about three years ago, and I decided it was time I go down there too.

"Now boarding flight number 256." I stand up and put one of the straps from my backpack over my shoulder. I walk up to the lady checking the tickets and smile as I hand her mine.

"Have a safe trip." She says as she hands me my ticket back.

"Thank you." I grab my ticket and start walking to the airplane. I find my seat by the window, smiling because my brother remembered that I love the window seat, and he's the one who bought my plane ticket. I put my backpack under my seat and sit down. I look out the window to see a few other planes and the large mountains behind them. Living in Hawaii is going to a big change from living in Boise, Idaho. I'm finally going to have an ocean but no snow. That's weird to think about.

"Thank you for flying delta airlines-" the lady went on to give the speech they have to give about safety and everything and I just sat back and pretended to listen. I know it's not a great idea to ignore her but I've flown on an airplane so many times, I know the drill. A few minutes go by and the plane finally starts moving. I pull my phone out and plug my headphones in and start playing my airplane playlist. I make conversation with the lady sitting next to me for a few and then end up falling asleep.

I wake up as the plane starts to land. I take a deep breath and do a small stretch, doing my best not to hit the lady next to me. I look out the window and see the ocean and a smile grows across my face. Oh I missed the ocean.

"Have you ever been to Hawaii before?" The lady that was next to me asks.

"Once when my brother first moved here about three years ago. Now I'm moving here."

"Oh, well welcome. I have lived here my whole life and I love this island more and more every day."

"Well that's good to here. My brother seems to really enjoy it so I'm excited."

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