|27| Haunting Past

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As I'm following Steve's truck back to his place, I couldn't help this feeling like I was being followed

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As I'm following Steve's truck back to his place, I couldn't help this feeling like I was being followed. I look in my rearview mirror and notice a car behind me, but it's a busy road, so I don't think twice about it. We take a turn onto a less busy road and the car turns behind me, getting closer. Okay, now I'm starting to think twice about it. I speed up a little to try and get closer to Steve's truck, but the car behind me is getting even closer. I pull out my phone and dial Steve's number, but before I could press the call button, I feel my car jolt forward, causing me to drop my phone on the ground. I start to panic and I drive faster, at this point trying to even get in front of Steve. I get closer to his truck when I feel them hit me again, even harder. My car swerves to the right and I try and correct it, but I lose control and my car slides off to the side of the road. My heart is going a million miles an hour, trying to figure out what's going on. I notice Steve turning around quickly up ahead but before he even gets close, I see someone get out of the car that hit me. I lock the doors but it seems they won't lock now. I look in my mirror, seeing the dark figure getting closer to my car. I watch as they put their hand on their hip, like where a gun would typically be. My breathing starts getting faster and I am in complete panic mode. My hands are fumbling around on the ground trying to find my phone, but before I know it, my door is flying open.

"Wha-what do you want from me?!" I yell as I struggle to stay in the car as they are trying to pull me out of the car. 

"Shut up! You're coming with me!"


"I SAID SHUT UP!" The person starts to panic as Steve's truck gets closer. They succeed at pulling me out of the car and they drag me over to their car. I am trying to get loose from their grip but their hand is so tight around my wrist. 

"HEY! LET HER GO!" Steve yells as he jumps out of his car. The man throws me in the back of his car as Steve runs over to the car.

"STEVE!!!" I yell as the man jumps in the driver seat at skids away. I hear gunshots from Steve but he misses the tires.

"Okay...you have me...what do you want?"

"I want you to pay for what you did." They say much calmer now that we are flying down the highway.

"For what I did?" 


The car that has Brooklyn in it flies by me as I draw my gun and aim for the tires, but the driver is going to fast for me to be able to hit it. I run back to my truck and grab my phone.

"You miss me alr-"

"Shut up. Someone took Brook." I jump into the driver seat and start speeding towards the direction I saw the car go.

"What? Who?" I hear Danny talking to Chin and Kono telling them they need to go.

"I, I don't know. They ran her off the road and took her. I'm trying to follow him now but he had a pretty good head start. I need you to get Chin to track Brook's phone and I need you to track me and meet up with me. If I catch this guy I'm gonna need backup."

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