|11| Turn Ons

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After we finish breakfast we drive back to Steve's house

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After we finish breakfast we drive back to Steve's house. The ride back was silent, other than the radio quietly playing in the background. I couldn't stop thinking about the whole Matty thing. I mean he's never been in trouble his whole life, and now this? It's a lot to take in. Steve puts his hand on my leg and looks at me with a slight smile. I smile back and look back out the window. A few minutes later we pull into Steve's driveway. Steve gets out and comes around to my door to open it. I slide out of the truck and we both go inside. Steve shuts the door after we walk in.

"Okay don't get mad at me for what I'm about to say because it's not really the best timing for it, but I'm gonna say it anyways." Steve says as we both sit down on the couch. I get a confused look on my face.

"Are you sure you want to say it then?"


"Okay. Go for it then."

"Promise you won't get mad?"


"Okay. Perfect." He smiles. "Seeing you in that interrogation room, questioning Matty, really turned me on. I'm not even gonna lie."

"Oh is that right?"

"Ohhh my god yeah. It was so hard not to just push you up against the wall and just kiss every bit of you." I just sit there and stare at him, a smirk slowly growing across my face.

"Well, commander. Tell me what you think we should do about that?" I say walking closer to him.

"I think I'm going to pick you up and take you upstairs and throw you on my bed. At that point I think you're going to be wearing a lot less clothes-" He wraps his around around me and slowly starts leaning in closer to my ear. "I think that you can imagine what will happen next." He whispers, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I'd like to imagine it also involves you in a lot less clothes too. And as you take your shirt off, I leave kisses from your neck down-" Before I could finish, he's already throwing me over his shoulder and walking up the stairs. I just laugh as he smacks my butt. He lightly tosses me into his bed and turns around to shut the door. I slide my shirt off and throw it on the floor. Steve just smirks. He crawls over me, hovering and staring at my lips. He finally kisses me, the kiss becoming more heated every second. He kisses down to my neck and I slide my hands to the bottom of his shirt and start pulling it over his head. We flip over so I'm on top and I start kissing down his chest and my hands were working on unbuttoning his pants. Of course right then, his phone starts to ring.

"Ignore it. It can wait." The phone rings through as I slide his pants off and throw them on the floor. Steve unfastens my bra from the back and takes it off. I move back up to his lips and he flips me onto my back and slides my shorts down to my feet and I kick them off. He starts kissing my neck, causing me to let out a small moan as he gets to the sweet spot. The tip of his tongue slides up my neck until his lips connect with mine. My hands were on his back, feeling every muscle move as the kiss got more heated. I wrapped my legs around him, causing him to be closer to me, and feeling every bit of him against my skin. His hands run up and down my back. My hands moved back up to his hair, slightly tugging as his tongue enters my mouth. The phone starts to ring again and Steve groans.

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