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Steve's POV

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Steve's POV

"Mom. What uhh, what are you doing?"

"Making coffee. What does it look like I'm doing?" She asks as she hands me my coffee. I look down at the cup and back up at her.

"No. I mean what are you doing here? In Hawaii? In my house? When did you get back?"

"So many questions. I met your girlfriend. She's pretty."

"She's not-I don't want to get into it. Mom, answer my question."

"Which one?" She turns around and grabs another cup from under the machine.

"All of them mom."

"Okay, well I'm in your house because your not very good at hiding your keys. I missed my son. Can I not visit my son?"

"Yeah, I mean you can if you were a normal mother. But I know that I'm not the reason you're back on the island."

"Stop being a cop for two seconds and just appreciate the fact that I'm here?"

"You can see how I'm struggling with that can't you?"

"Fine. I'll go." She says setting the cup down.

"No. Mom you don't have to leave. I'm glad you're here." I say reaching out for a hug. She smiles and hugs me back. "How uh, how long are you here for?" I ask as I take a sip of my coffee.

"Not sure yet."

"Where are you staying?"

"Here and there."

"Here and there? What does that even mean?"

"Don't look so much into things, Steve." I just let out a sigh.

 "Fine. You're staying here."

"No no. I can't do that."

"Yes you can. And you will. Plus I already saw your bags in the living room."



"Where are you going?" My mother says, looking behind me. I turn around a see Brooklyn with her purse over her shoulder.

"Uhmm, I figured I would go. Seems like you two have a lot of catching up to do."

"You don't have to do that sweety."

"It's really okay. I have things I have to do today anyways."

"Actually I have to get to a crime scene and if I take my truck, Danny won't let me drive so I'm gonna go with Brooklyn." I say.

"Well okay." I take another drink of my coffee and then set it on the counter. I give Brooklyn a reassuring smile and we walk out to her car.

"You driving or me?"

"You can drive." I say opening the driver side door for her.

"Woah. You're gonna let me drive?"

"Don't get used to it." I shut her door after she gets in and go around to the passenger side. "Sorry about my mom. She kinda just shows up  unexpectedly."

"It's fine." She says with a smile. It was about a ten minute drive to wear Steve needed to go. We pull up behind Danny's car and Brooklyn puts the car in park. I get out of the car and go around to the drivers side.

"Hey. I'll see you later?"


"Yeah. I'll call you when I'm done. We can go get dinner."

"Okay." She says with a smile. I give her a quick kiss and turn around the go meet the team. "Steve." I turn back around to Brooklyn.


"Be careful."

"Always." I smile at her and turn back around.

Brooklyn POV
"So I met Steve's mom this morning." I say as I sit down in a booth.

"Really?" Rylin asks. I nod. "What's she like?"

"Well, I mean she seems nice. I was kind of thrown off so I just went upstairs to get Steve."


"Extremely. Then Steve and I had to leave so I didn't talk to her much."

"Well other than the awkward meeting of Steve's mother, you've been staying at Steve's a lot lately."

"Well technically he stayed at my house last night, but yeah." I couldn't help but smile.

"Look at you. You're turning red."

"Whatever." I say laughing. "So what are you guys? Are you like dating? Serious?"

"No. Just kind of hanging out."

"Oh please. This, this is hanging out. You two are totally dating." I just roll my eyes. "Does he have a brother or anything? Like a identical twin."

"No, haha I don't believe so."

"Damn." She says with a laugh.


"Ehh it's fine. I will just be lonely."

"We'll find you a guy. Don't worry."

"Oh hey thanks. You're so kind."


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