|32| Little Bit Of Truth

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I roll over to look at the clock and it was only 7 in the morning. I grab my phone off the charger and see Steve's name on the screen.

'Hey baby' I say kind groggy. 
'Hey, Hey sorry. Were you a sleep?'
'Yeah, it's okay. What's up?'
'Can you come over? I have some news aaaand also-' 
I hear another voice in the background. 'Is that Brook? Tell her to come over!'
'I take it that's your mom?'
'You would be correct.'
'Yeah, give me a little bit and I'll be there.'
'Thank you. I'll see you in a bit.' 

I hang up and groan as I get out of bed. I decide not to put on too much makeup because I'll probably end up going back to sleep soon. I run a brush through my hair real quick and put on a pair of blue jean joggers and a white crop top. I go out into the kitchen and try to find my keys. I see a note on the dining room table next to Everest's keys. 

-had to take your car again. enjoy the jeep :) everest

Sweeeet. I grab the jeep keys and my purse and head over to Steve's. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get there and I pull into his driveway and park next to his truck. I sit there for a minute, trying to brief myself for what I'm about to walk into. I've only met his mother once, and it wasn't exactly...the right way to meet your boyfriends mother? I get out of the jeep and walk up to the front door. I consider knocking but I end up just walking inside. 

"Hey." Steve says looking up at me from the couch with a slight smile on his face.


"Brook! Oh I am so glad you decided to come over." Dorris says coming out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee in her hand. I just smile at her. "You want a cup? I just made a fresh pot?"

"Yeah, sure. That would be great." She smiles back at me and she hands a cup to Steve and walks back into the kitchen. "She seems to be in a good mood." I say as I walk over to the spot on the couch next to Steve. I give him a quick kiss and sit down.

"She's always in a good mood somehow."

"How are you. You two talk yet?"

"If you were to ask her, yes. If you ask me, she just talked in circles. Didn't give me any real answers. Keeps saying at one point or another, she may or may not have run into Wo Fat."

"And I take it you don't believe that?"

"Of course not? Why would Wo Fat keep coming after me and telling me he wants me to bring her to him, if they just had a casual run in? That just doesn't make any sense."

"You think she'll actually tell you what's going on?"

"I have my ways."

"I'm sure you do." I smile at him and rest my hand on his knee. 

"Here you go sweetheart." Dorris says coming back into the living room and handing me a mug.

"Thank you." I take a sip and she sits down on the chair across from us. 

"So what are your plans for today? Cause I was thinking we could catch up, you know? Get to know each other."

"Uhh mom. I don't-"

"Steve, I didn't ask you." I just sit back and drink my coffee and listen to these two bicker. 

"In all fairness mom, you came here to talk. So we could talk."

"Steven, we did talk."

"No mom. I tried to talk, you told me nothing. I need to know why Wo Fat wants to meet with you so bad. Because he's gonna keep coming after me."

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