|26| Opportunities

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It's been about a week since my sister and her family went home and life was back to normal. It was hard having them leave, I loved having them here. I mean I will see them again in a few weeks for Christmas. For now I've decided it's time to get serious about the job search. I grabbed my laptop off of my bed and walked out into the living room. I sit down on the couch and start looking on job websites. 'Dog walker'? No. I am not twelve. 'Park Ranger'? Sounds like a lot of bugs. I keep scrolling but none of them look like something I want to do. I keep scrolling past a few openings at the police department but I scroll past them faster then any of the other ones and I have to keep reminding myself I'm trying to get away from it. 

"Hey." Everest says as he walks in the front door.

"Hey, you're home early."

"Slow day. Whatcha up too?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen. I hear the fridge open and bottles clinking.

"Looking for jobs."

"Any luck?"

"Not really. Hard to find a job that's not cop related when you have a degree in criminal justice."

"Okay, but you also have a bachelors degree." He says walking back into the living room with two longboard beers.

"That's true." He hands one to me and sits on the couch next to me.

"What about going to college?"

"For what?"

"Oh come on, Brook. We both know ever since you were little you wanted to do something with marine biology. Do something with that."

"I can't afford that...that's why I'm looking for jobs."

"Don't worry about that. Getting into any type of marine biology program for you will be easy and I'm sure you can get some sort of scholarship. And I will cover the rest."

"I can't ask you to do that. I mean I am already living here rent free. I need to contribute."

"First of all, you're not asking, I am offering. Second of all, you are contributing. I mean my house has never been this clean for this long, and that fridge has been stocked like 85% of time. I mean when it was just me, I usually had peanut butter and a couple beers."

"I don't know Everest...that's a big step."

"Just think about it. Just look into it, see what you find."


"Yeah. I've gotta go take a shower."

"I'm glad you said it." He just laughs and rolls his eyes. He gets up and walks to his room. I decide to open a new tab and start looking at marine biology programs. I get on University of Hawaii's website and look at all the options. I feel my phone start vibrating next to me and I pick it up and see that it's Steve. 

"Hey you." I say answering the phone.

"Hey. What are you up too?"

"I was job hunting, now I'm looking at different degrees at University of Hawaii."

"You're going back to school?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided yet."

"Well, I think that's great. I'm about to close up a case, team and I are gonna go grab some dinner. Figured since I haven't seen you since the trip, I'd see if you want to join. Then after we can spend some time alone."

"Oh yeah?" I say with a smile growing on my face.

"Just you and me. The beach. Some wine."

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