|17| Maui Life

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"I don't think I've seen that many fish in my life

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"I don't think I've seen that many fish in my life. Ever!" I say as Steve and I walk back up to the beach.

"I know! This place is incredible."

"It really is." He just smiles at me. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'm not sure. What do you want to do, commander?"

"Well I don't know about you, but I have seawater and sand in places there should not be. So we can head back to the hotel and figure something out then?"

"Sounds like a plan." He wraps a towel around me and we walk back over to the hotel.

After we get back up to our room Steve gets in the shower and I lay down on the bed.

I open my eyes and realize my head is resting on Steve's chest and there's a blanket over me.

"I fell asleep." I say looking up at Steve.

"You did." He says with a little laugh. "It's okay though. You're cute when you sleep."

"How long did I sleep for?"

"Mmm, maybe an hour or so."

"Oh, not to bad."

"Not at all."

"So do we have any plans for the rest of the night?"

"Well I ordered room service about ten minutes ago, so dinner should be here soon. I was thinking we could eat out on the deck and then just hang out for the rest of the night. Maybe walk on the beach or something."

"That sounds amazing. You've got this whole thing planned out don't you?"

"Well I'm sort of going with the flow."

"Yeah? What do you have planned for tomorrow?"

"Well actually-" He says with a small laugh. "While you were asleep I called Teagan and her and Jonathan are going to meet us down on the beach around eleven for a little beach volleyball."


"Yep." I get a huge grin across my face and I kiss him. "You're amazing!!" I say kissing him a few more times.

"I try. And then after that I heard that there's a pretty cool little aquarium place that's like half building, half the actual ocean. Thought we could check that out. Have lunch there. Then come back here and do whatever and then we do have a dinner reservation at six."

"I'm glad you have this all figured out because I am terrible at making decisions."

"Well I will try and make the as many decisions as you let me."

"Sounds perfect." There was a knock on the door. "You get that. I'm gonna go get out of my swim suit and put clothes on."

"Damn." I just playfully stick my tongue out at Steve and get out of the bed. He gets up to go answer the door. I put on a pair of cut off blue jean shorts and a Hawaii sweatshirt Steve got for me. I walk out of the bedroom and see Steve out on the deck.

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