|3| Ke Kāhea (the call)

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"So, are you gonna call him or what?" Everest asks me as he opens the front door

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"So, are you gonna call him or what?" Everest asks me as he opens the front door.

"I don't know haha." I walk past him and he shuts the door. "You were acting like you didn't know them." I say plopping down on the couch.

"Well I mean you didn't ask directly if I knew them." He says being sarcastic.

"Oh whatever." I slide my shoes off and put my feet up on the ottoman. 

"Call him."

"I might. I want to hang out with you though."

"You live here now. We have all the time in the world. Plus, I have to work until five tomorrow and I know you want to go sight see, and he offered to take you around to see things."

"Fiiiiine I will call him."

"Good. Now, I'm gonna watch house hunters." Everest says turning the tv on.

"You're such a girl." I say with a laugh. I stand up and go into my bedroom. The only thing that was in the room so far was a queen size bed with a dark wood frame and one matching bedside table and a dresser. I have already unpacked my suitcase and set up a couple picture frames of my mom and I and one of my best friend, Sarah. I lay down and dial the number that Steve wrote down.


"Hey, Uhmm it's Brooklyn."

"Oh hey." The tone in his voice changed, like he was smiling. "I didn't know if you were gonna call."

"Yeah haha. You can thank my brother. He convinced me."

"I definitely will. So what's up?"

"I guess Everest has to work tomorrow and I was hoping to take you up on your offer of showing me around the island."

"Yes. Yes I will. I can pick you up around ten?"

"Yeah. That would be great."

"Awesome. I'll see you tomorrow, Brooklyn."

"See you tomorrow, Steve." I hang up and lay back on my bed, with a smile growing across my face. I feel myself dozing off so I climb under the covers and fall asleep.

I wake up around seven and roll over and grab my phone off of the nightstand and scroll through Twitter. A few minutes go by and I let out a sigh knowing I should probably go for a run before I start getting dressed. I yawn and slowly get up and go over to my dresser. I take out black and green nike running shorts and a black nike tank top. I walk out into the kitchen and Everest was standing in the kitchen looking out of the window drinking coffee.

"Good morning." I say to him.

"Good morning. Why are you up so early?"

"It's like eleven back in Boise so I'm up right on time."

"Right. The time change. You going running?"

"Yeah. You wanna go?"

"Actually yeah. I was gonna go tonight but might as well go now. Give me a couple minutes to change?"

"Yeah go for it."

He takes a big drink of his coffee and goes into his room to change. I pour a glass of water and drink it while waiting for Everest. A couple minutes later he comes out in grey running shorts and a white running tank.


"Yup." I finish my water and we both go out the back door and walk down to the beach. We start slowly jogging down the beach.

"I could get used to this. This view is amazing."

"I know. This is where I typically run and watch the sunset."

"It's so amazing."

"So did you call Steve?"

"There it is." I say laughing. "Yes. I did. He's gonna show me around the island today."

"See? It was worth the call."

"We'll see."

"He's really a great guy."

"Is he the friend that's gonna come live with us?"

"No. You wish." He says with a small laugh. "His name is Kaden. You'll probably meet him soon."

"Alright sweet."

We run for about a half an hour and then we get back to the house. "I'm gonna go take a shower and head to work. I'll see you tonight." Everest gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and goes into his room. I go into my room and grab a towel and go into take a shower.

I get finished drying my hair and doing my makeup when I hear a knock on the door. I was still in my running shorts and a bra so I throw a lose t-short on and open the door.

"Hey, I'm almost ready. I just need to put some different clothes on."

"Whaaat? Why not those?"

"Yeah right. Running shorts and any brothers t-shirt."

"You look great."

"Well thank you," I say with a smile. "I'm still going to change. You can come in. I'll be right back." I go back to my room real quick and change into a white t-shirt with a large black square and a palm tree in the middle, white shorts and tan sandals.

"I didn't think you could beat the running shorts and lose t-shirt but you look really good." He says with his arms crossed, looking me up and down as I come around the corner from my room. 

"Oh please."

"You look fantastic. You ready to go?"

"Yeah." I grab my purse and we both walk out to his blue Chevy truck. "Gotta love a man with a big truck."

"I like where you're mind is at." He opens the passenger side door and I jump in. He shuts the door and walks over to the driver side and gets in. 

"Where are we going?"

"Well first I thought I would take you to one of my favorite spots to see the ocean."

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