|7| Surf Lessons

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I wake up and roll over to see the sunrise out my window

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I wake up and roll over to see the sunrise out my window. Still not used to the fact that's the view I get to wake up to everyday. There's a light knock on my door.


"Can I come in?" Everest asks, already opening the door.

"Yeah." I let out a small laugh.

"So how was yesterday?" He asks as he sits down on my bed.

"It was fun. He showed me a lot of cool little local spots."

"Yeah? Well that sounds fun. You gonna see him again?"

"Yeah probably."

"A second date and it's only your third day here. Look at you go."

"Second date? What? No. No that wasn't a date. That was just him showing me some cool spots because I'm new here."

"Oh yeah, cause that's totally normal to take someone all around the island just cause they're new."

"He was just being nice."

"You guys do anything else?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

"I don't want to talk about it with you!" I say laughing and getting out of bed.

"You totally did! What did you guys do?! Did he kiss you? Oh my god, I might have to kill a cop-"

"Everest! You're not killing anyone!"

"So he didn't"

"I didn't say that..." I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Ahh, I regret asking!"

"I knew you would!" I say laughing.

"Gross. Eww. Change of subject, you wanna go surfing?"

"You know I have no idea how to surf, right?"

"Well I will teach you. I'm pretty good at teaching people."

"Oh yeah, okay. The last time you tried to teach me anything, I ran your car into a tree because I had no idea how to drive stick."

"Well you're just a terrible student, that had nothing to do with me."

"Oh yeah, okay. I want to learn how to surf though, so I guess you're my only option."

"There's the spirit! Get dressed. I'll meet you out back in five." He leaves my room and shuts the door. I quickly put my bikini on and grab my wet suit off the floor and run out to the backyard.

"Here, you can have this one, it's more your height." Everest says handing me a dark wood board with white around the edges. The bottom was mostly white except for some blue decals.

"This one is super cool. When did you get this one?"

"You don't remember that one?"

"Huh uh."

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