|34| The Days Of Our Lives

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"Look at that. Good as new." Steve says looking at the stitches that are currently occupying most of my forehead.

"It's like nothing even happened?" I say with a smile. I hear the door open and we see Danny, Chin and Kono walk in.

"Hey, look at that. You're starting to look like Steve." Chin says laughing.

"Hope it doesn't happen often."

"Brook!" Everest says running into the room. He wraps me in a hug, causing me to let out a small pain filled moan. "Sorry, sorry. You okay?"

"I'm good. I'm okay. Nothing time won't fix." 


"So I take it after this, you're not gonna want to join five-0?" Danny asks me. I just smile at him and look around the room. Seeing everyone that was there. Everyone who had my back. Who I know will always be there for me, through the good and through the bad of it all. I look over at Steve who was now sitting by my side, just staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"Are you kidding? I couldn't think of a better place for me to be." A huge smile grows over Steve's face.

"Really?" He says standing up and standing in front of me. It nods. "REALLY?!" At this point I'm almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes, Steve. I would love to join five-0." I carefully wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight.

'Would you look at that? Our newest member of five-0." Chin says with a smile. I look around the room at nothing but smiles. Well except Everest.

"Ev...you have something you want to say?"

"I mean, I know at one point I said you should do this...but-"


"Who am I kidding? I'm happy for you." He says smiling. Steve unwraps his arms from me and Everest walks over to me and hugs me. "Congrats little sis." 

"We will let you guys have your space. Plus, I think we still currently have a scumbag sitting in our interrogation room that needs a good talking to." Danny says.

"Right." Steve says looking at me. "Uhmm, Chin, set up a transport to the most high security prison in the country. Just don't transport him until I'm there. I want to witness this."

"You got it boss. Congrats again Brooklyn." Chin says smiling at me. Kono, Chin and Danny all leave the room.

"Should we get you home?" Steve asks me. I smile at him and nod.

"Let's get out of here." I say.

We get back to my house and the three of us walk inside. I sit down on the couch and Everest goes into my room to set my purse down. I guess we will get his jeep from Steve's house later. 

"I've got some stuff I've gotta go wrap up, you get some rest. If you're feeling up to it, we can all go out tonight. As an official team." He just smiles at me as he lays a blanket over me.

"Sounds like a great plan." Steve leaves as Everest comes back into the living room and hands me a cup of water. 

"How you feeling?"

"My head or the fact I just re-entered the force?"


"My head just feels like a headache. And me re-joining the force, I actually am really happy about. I think it's great with all of this stuff behind me now, I can go back to doing what I love. I know more will come with it, but with Five-0 by my side, I don't know. I just feel much safer. You know? I trust all of them and they are all amazing. When I was on the force back in Boise, I mean I enjoyed who I worked with, but I didn't know them. I don't think I could confidently say that I trusted some of them having my back."

"But you do with Five-0?"

"One hundred percent I trust them."

"Well that's good." Everest says smiling. "I'm happy for you. I really am."

"Thank you." I sit up a bit and wrap him in a hug.

"Plus now, you can start paying rent." He gives me a joking smile and I playfully smack him in the arm. "Get some rest. You look tired."

"Are you saying that cause I don't have any makeup on?"

"Yes. I am completely ignoring the fact you got your forehead bashed, and I am going straight to the fact you're not wearing makeup."

"Knew it."

"Go to sleep." He smiles at me as he stands up to go to his room.

I wake up to the sound of a few voices coming from the kitchen. My head doesn't hurt as bad as it did when I went to sleep. I slowly stand up and make my way to the kitchen.

"You look like you're feeling much better." Steve says smiling at me. 

"I do." I grab a cup out of the cupboard and fill it with water. "So what are you two up to?" I ask as I take a drink.

"I came over to check on you after I dealt with Wo Fat, but you were still asleep so Everest and I went out surfing for a little while."

"Jesus. How long was I asleep?"

"Ehhh, six hours." Everest says.

"What? Really? Do we still have time for dinner?" I ask Steve.

"Of course we do. I will call everyone up. They were waiting on my call anyways. How about you go get dressed and we can head over there."

"Okay." I smile at him and give him a quick kiss before I run to my room and quickly change. I throw the bloody shirt in my dirty laundry and just throw on my favorite yellow pipeline tank and a pair of light blue jeans. The doctor told me I can't put any makeup on the wound so I just decide to take the rest of what I had on, off. It only takes me a couple minutes to get ready. "Ready?" I ask Steve as I come back out into the kitchen. He just stands there and smiles at me. "What?" 

"You're beautiful. You know that?" He couldn't stop grinning which caused a small smile to grow on my face. I walk up to him and put my hands on his face. 

"I love you." At first it was a brief look of shock on Steve's face. I mean we've only said it once and it was way to soon when it was said. Not that I didn't mean it, but now there is absolutely no doubt in the world that this is the man I love.

"I love you too." He says with a smile. I couldn't help but practically slam my lips onto his. He doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. "I love you so much." He says breaking the kiss for a moment. 

"Let's go get some food. I'm starving." I say as I grab his hand. We both smile and head out the door. The rest of the night I got to spend with the whole team, talking about previous cases and our different experiences being police. I just can't believe that after all of this, everything I have been through, it ended up this amazing...


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