|29| Worries

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Steve gets me into his truck as I try to pull myself together

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Steve gets me into his truck as I try to pull myself together. He reaches over me and buckles my seatbelt. He slides back out and stands there watching me. 

"Steve." I say interrupting his thoughts.

"Hmm?" He says without looking away from me.

"I'm fine." I hear him let out a little sigh and he just leans down and kisses the top of my head. He doesn't say anything, he just shuts the door and walks over to the driver side. Before he gets in I see Danny walk over to him. I don't know what they're saying, but I don't think I want to know. I hate that everyone knows my past now. All of them. They only talk for a few seconds and Steve gets back in the car. "Steve." I say as he starts the car.

"Yes?" He puts the car and drive and we start to drive away.

"I...thank you."

"For what?"

"Helping me...saving me...I know it's your job and all, but-"

"Hey-" He says as he grabs my hand. "I don't care if it's my job or not, I would do anything to keep you safe. You know that right?"

"I know." I look out the window and  notice that we are going the opposite way from his house. "Where are we going?" 

"You're place."


"I just figured you'd be more comfortable at home. With your brother there and everything."

"I'm comfortable wherever you are."

"I know." He says as he looks over at me and smiles. 

"But you're right. I would like to sleep at home tonight."

"I figured that."

"As long as you're there."

"Of course I will." He lifts my hand towards him and kisses the back of my hand. I just look out the window and watch all the trees go by. I wish none of this would of happened. Besides the fact of how scary the past two hours have been, now everyone knows. Everyone knows that I made a mistake that got two kids killed. Two kids that could still be alive today. All because I wanted to take down this guy. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask, Steve.


"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?"

"About everything with my past?"

"I knew there was something. I didn't know what."

"So you never looked into it?"

"No. But why would I? I mean I knew you didn't want anyone knowing. There would be no point of me going behind your back and looking."

"But now everyone knows..."

"Brooklyn..." He looks over at me as tears start forming in my eyes again. "Hey. You were in danger." 

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