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I wake up and roll over, feeling for Brooklyn, but to my surprise the bed is empty. I open my eyes and look around the room, to find no one. I get out of bed and grab my pants and shirt on the ground and quickly put them on. I walk out Brooklyn's bedroom and walk out into the kitchen to see her sitting on the counter with a cup of coffee and talking to Everest.

"Good morning." She says with a smile on her face and she lowers the mug from her lips.

"Good morning." I walk over next to her as she hands me a full mug. 

"Black, with butter."

"My favorite." I smile. 

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower. Sweaty from my morning run." She jumps off the counter and gives me a quick kiss before heading for the bathroom.

"A run?" I ask Everest as I lean against the counter.

"Yeah. I went with her. Try and get her mind clear."

"Any luck?"

"Well, as expected, it's clear from yesterday."


"She works fast." He says as I take a drink of my coffee. 

"She say anything about it, at all?"

"Other then it's over and she doesn't want to talk about it? No." I just stand there puzzled. I scratch my cheek and set my mug down on the counter. 

"So what now?" 

"I'm not sure. I don't want this to be another repeat of when dad died." We both just stand there in silence until we hear the water start running from the bathroom. "Do you have to work today?"

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Okay. I'm gonna go in for a little bit then. Just try and keep her busy today?"

"Yeah, I can manage that."

"Okay. I should be home by three."

"So we're just gonna babysit her?"

"Like I said, I don't want a repeat."

"What exactly happened when your dad passed away?"

"We hadn't heard from her in a couple days, which really worried us because, well, she still lived at home. We got a call from the local police station that they found her trying to get onto a plane to Hawaii. She was so drunk though that they arrested her. She wasn't charged with anything, they just did it for safety. They knew we were looking for her so they just kept her at the station until we got there. When we did, everything had finally caught up to her and she broke down."

"She was trying to come here?"

"Well, Kaui. But yes. She was trying to go to dad's old house."

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