|13| Momma's Home

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"Charlie, that is the coolest sand castle I have ever seen

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"Charlie, that is the coolest sand castle I have ever seen." I say walking onto the beach from the water. Charlie looks up at me and smiles. I pick up one of the little shovels and start digging the sand.

"Hey hey hey! There's no helping the contestant!" Everest yells.

"He's little!"

"No way! If you help him, Everest gets to help me!" Grace says.

"I mean that sounds fare." Everest says.

"Fine! Charlie and I are still gonna win! Let's do this Charlie." We both start digging and building up more on the sand castle.

"Well this looks fun. Sand castles in the dark?" Danny asks.

"Danno!" Charlie says as he runs over to give Danny a hug.

"It wasn't dark when we started." I say.

"Danno! Come help Everest and I beat Brook and Charlie!"

"No way! Three against two?" I say.

"No it's not. Steve's here." Danny said.

"Uncle Steve's here? I changed my mind. I want uncle Steve on our team!" Grace says.

"Excuse me?" Danny asks. Steve comes around the corner of the house laughing. "No. Huh uh. You get me on your team and we are going to beat Steve. Let's do this."

"You? You are going to beat me?"

"That is what I said."

"I want Steve. We get Steve." I say.

"Oh I'm sure you do."

"Shut your mouth. Would you shut your mouth?" Steve says to Danny. Steve walks over to Charlie and I and starts helping us. "Alright, Charlie, you go fill these buckets with sand, I'm gonna start digging a little path down to the water, trust me, we're so gonna beat your dad."

"Yeah! Okay!" Charlie picks up a couple buckets and starts filling them with sand and then bringing them back to me. We started building the sand up to make a...castle? Yes.. it will be.

About twenty minutes later we decided we were finish. "Oh this is the winner for sure." Steve says looking at the sand castle. We built a little moat around it and it had a couple levels with a little flag that Charlie made.

"Alright. We're done!" Grace says. Charlie looks over at their sand castle and looks back down at ours.

"What's up buddy?" I ask him.

"There's is cooler then ours."

"What?! No it's not!" Steve says putting his hand on Charlie's back.

"You know what I think? I think they're both winners. These are equally as amazing." Everest says.

"I think he's right." I say.

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