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The flight was only about 15 minutes and we landed at the airport on Maui

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The flight was only about 15 minutes and we landed at the airport on Maui. After getting our bags and going to rent a car, we drove to a huge hotel right on the beach. We even had to use a special room pass to get the elevator to go to our floor. I was just so shocked at everything that was happening. Once Steve opens the hotel room door, I was shocked at how nice it was.


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"Steve." I say walking further into the room. He just smiles and walks past me to the bedroom to put the bags down. "This is huge." I say looking up at the very tall ceilings.

"Yeah. I pulled some strings and got the nicest suite on the island."

"Oh my god." I walk over to the window and take in the amazing view. "You can see everything from up here."

"I know. It's beautiful. Clearly not as beautiful as my view, but pretty close." I turn around to see Steve smiling at me.

"Steven McGarrett. You have really out done yourself." He walks over to me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Anything for the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me." He pauses as he just smiles at me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Okay. I've been wanting to ask you but I wanted to make it special. I want to make this, you and me, official. If you want that?"

"Steve, there's nothing I want more in this world then to be your girlfriend."

"Me neither." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in to kiss me. I take a deep breath and kiss him back. "Alright, what do want to do first? We can go down to the beach or the pool, go get food, stay here and see how good that bed works?"

"As much as I want to try out that bed, I'm starving and I know I won't want to leave the bed once we get in it."

"Deal. There's an amazing little restaurant downstairs that's right on the beach. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing."
As soon as we get on the elevator my phone starts ringing. I was going to ignore it until I saw the name of my best friend from back in Idaho. 

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