|10| Interrogation

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I wake up with a thin white sheet wrapped around my body

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I wake up with a thin white sheet wrapped around my body. I look over and smile seeing Steve so peacefully sleeping. The sheet was draped across his waist. His right arm was resting above his head and his left underneath my pillow. I grab my phone off of the nightstand and text Everest.

B: 'Hey sorry I didn't come home last night. Got caught up at Steve's and just decided to stay here last night.'

E: 'You're fine. I figured that's where you were. Thanks for letting me know you're okay.'

I lock my phone and put it back on the nightstand. I roll over on my side and just watch Steve. There was something relaxing about watching him sleep, he was just so perfect. His hair messy and his perfect morning stubble. He starts to move a little and stretch out. His eyes slightly open and he smiles.

"Morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, handsome." He rolls over on his side, leaving his face close to mine and our noses barely touching. He drapes his arm around my waist.

"I had fun last night."

"Oh I bet you did. I did too."

"I'm glad to hear." He closes his eyes, continuing to smile. I kiss his nose and just watch him.

"I'm gonna go make some coffee

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"I'm gonna go make some coffee." I try and roll over and he just pulls me closer so I can't move.


"No coffee. Got it." I snuggle my head into his chest and close my eyes.

A couple hours later I wake up, and I was the only one in the bed. I look around, seeing if Steve was anywhere in the room. I get up and throw one of his flannel shirts and walk downstairs. I hear a drawer close in the kitchen so I decide to walk in there.

"Hey baby." He says pouring coffee into a mug.

"Hi." I can feel my face getting hotter, after hearing him call me 'baby' . "Now we get coffee?"

"Now we get coffee haha. I wasn't ready to get out of bed."

"What changed your mind this time?" I ask as I pick up one of the mugs and lean on the middle counter.

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