|8| Kaʻaina (dinner)

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"Brook! Are you almost ready?" Everest yells from outside my bathroom

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"Brook! Are you almost ready?" Everest yells from outside my bathroom.

"Yes! I just need to brush my teeth!"

"That's what you said five minutes ago!"

"Well I got distracted! Hold on!" I put my phone down, smiling, and hurry and brush my teeth. I stick my phone in my back pocket and unlock the door and walk out. "Okay, I'm ready." I was wearing a black tube top shirt and tan shorts, with my hair down and kind of a mess, but I really didn't care.

"Awesome. Everyone, this is my sister who is now living with me, Brooklyn. Brooklyn, this is, Caelyn and his sister Rylin. This is Kai, Kailani and her sister Malia." We all say hi and start walking out to the cars.

"So how are you liking it here so far?" Rylin asks me.

"I love it so far. It's so amazing here."

"It really is. I moved here when I was three so I pretty much grew up here. No other place I would of rather grown up."

"Well I can't wait to see what else Hawaii has in store for me." I hop in the passenger seat of Everests car and Caelyn and Rylin get in the back. Kai, Kailani and Malia get in another car and follow us. "So where are we going for dinner?"

"It's called oceanfront Tropics Bar and Grill. It's in a hotel. They have amazing food."

"Well good. I'm excited." I smile at him and a conversation soon starts between him and Kai. I zone out and text Steve back.

B:' Oceanfront tropics bar and grill. I guess they go there a lot and Everest seems pretty fond of it.'

S:' Oh yeah I know that place. Sometimes the team and I go there after a long day. You should really try the fish and chips. Honestly it's the best.'

B:' Well I might just do that now :) you still working?'

S: 'Yeah. I'm back at the office now. I'll probably go home soon though.'

B:' Well depending on how late I'm at dinner and how late you're at the office, maybe we could go get a drink or something'

S:' I would love that'

B:' Yeah? Well perfect :) I will keep you updated.'

We pull into the hotel parking lot and pull into a spot and Everest's friends pull in next to us. We all get out of the cars and walk inside. We had to wait a couple minutes for a table to open up and we finally went and sat down. I sat in between Everest and Rylin. We all ordered our drinks and I got a blue ocean and the waiter walked away. "So how old are you again? Everest told me once but I forgot."


"Ahh, got it. So Everest is two years older?"

"He will tell you that, but technically only a year and half."

"Haha, yeah that sounds like something he'd do."


"Exactly." We both laugh.

"How long have you known Everest?"

"I actually met him the day he moved into his house. I used to live there so I was moving some of my stuff and he came and offered to help. He's a pretty good guy."

"Most of the time." I say with a small laugh.

"You guys talking about me?" Everest asks.

"Whaaat? Nooo." I say.

"You talk to Steve today?"

"Maybe. Why?"

"I'm just wondering. You seemed to really like him when you got home yesterday."

"Like Steve McGarrett? Like the cop?"

"That would be the one." Everest says.

"Hey, you're the one who made me text him in the first place. You practically set us up."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing." He laughs.

"Brook! He's hot!" Malia says from across the table. I just laugh a little.

"Yeah, he's pretty attractive."

"Am I hearing right that you went out with him?"

"Oh my god Everest, now everyone knows."


"Yeah, kind of. I mean he showed me some local spots on the island yesterday while Everest was at work. He was just being a nice friend."

"Friends don't-" Before he could finish his sentence, I throw my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up."

"You guys kissed didn't you?" Rylin says bumping me with her shoulder.

"I mean, yeah."

"Damn girl! He's crazy hot! I can't believe you've been here for so short of time and you already got the hot cop!" Malia says.

"I do not have the hot cop." I laugh. We went out once.

"Mhmm. So when are you gonna see him again?" Rylin asks me.

"I'm not sure, he's caught up in a case so he's pretty busy."

"Well you'll have to keep me updated cause I want to know everything."

"Haha you got it."

"Here give me your phone, I'll give you my phone number." I unlock my phone and open my contacts and hand her my phone. While she puts her number in my phone, the waiter comes back with our drinks.

"Thank you." I say as he sets my drink in front of me. He takes our food order, and I take Steve's suggestion and order the fish and chips. Rylin hands my phone back to me.

"You got a text from Steve." She says winking at me. I just smile and open up my text messages.

S: 'So sorry, I totally wanted to meet up tonight, but we got a lead on Maui so my flight leaves in twenty minutes. I will make it up to you I promise!'

B: 'Don't worry about it, Steve :) you go catch those bad guys. I'll be here when you get back <3'

S: 'You're literally the best :) I will make it up to you. Call you when I land?'

B: 'Yes please :))'

S: 'Alright. I've gotta go, Danny is yelling at me. Talk to you tonight' I just smile and put my phone back down on the table.

"That good?" Rylin asks me.


"You're cheeks are bright pink." She chuckles.

"Oh haha. He was just telling me he has to leave for a couple days because of a case."

"Oh okay, Uh huh."

"Whaaat? He was." I can feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"You're bright red." Everyone looks at me and I just laugh.

"He's just really sweet! Stop looking at me." Everyone just laughs and moves on. I take a smile and let out a smile. How did I get so lucky to be here for a few days and already meet an amazing guy, and these amazing people. I guess me moving to Hawaii was really meant to be...

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