|33| Wo Fat

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"Alright, thank you for coming in guys." I say as we all stand around the computer board.

"Of course, Steve."

"Are you gonna tell us what this is all about?" Danny asks impatiently. 

"No. No I just figured you all would stand around aimlessly." I say sarcastically.  Danny just rolls his eyes at me. "Yes, okay. So of course, Dorris is back. She finally told me why Wo Fat has been coming after us and why he's trying to meet with her. Dorris took out Wo Fat's mother when an op went sideways in '87. Then she helped Yao fake his own death and go into hiding. We're thinking that Wo Fat got word that his father is still alive and that Dorris was behind it all."

"Where's Dorris now?" Chin asks. 

"She's back at my house with Brook."

"You left your girlfriend to babysit your crazy mother?"

"First of- yes. Sure Daniel. Anyways, we need to set up a meeting with my mother and Wo Fat. And before you ask, yes I told her this was a dumb idea, but she wouldn't let it go. So, now we have to do this. We can't let him know that we are right outside. Because I need this to go down the right way, and with Wo Fat behind bars." 

"So what are you thinking boss?" Kono asks.

"I'm thinking I call Wo Fat, I tell him I have my mother and she has agreed to meet with him. Just her. She will be wearing a wire with a tracker so we can hear and see where he takes her. We follow them, we take him before he does anything stupid." My phone starts ringing and I pull it out of my pocket. 

"McGarrett. What? Right now? We're on our way." I hang up and grab all my stuff off the table.

"What's going on?" Danny asks.

"He's already done something stupid. DAMN IT! Okay, we gotta go." I start to run out to my car and everyone follows me out.

"STEVE! What's going on?!" Danny asks as I jump in his car.

"Wo Fat's already at my house. I just got a call from HPD."

"Let's go."


"Dorris, go into that closet. Do not leave that closet!" I say as Dorris gets into the closet in the guest room. I grab the gun from Steve's nightstand and stand outside of Steve's room, and watch the front door swing open.

"Doooooris. I know you're in here. I just want to talk." Wo Fat says as he starts ransacking the house. 

"She can't talk right now." I say with the gun pointed in his direction. He quickly turns around and points his gun up at me.

"Who are you?" 

"Not important. What I do think is important, is that you leave. I think it would be for the best."

"Come on. I just want to talk to her." He says with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah, well. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to talk right now."

"I'm afraid she doesn't have much of a choice." He says as he starts to come up the stairs.  

"Brook. Hunny, would you give us a minute?" Dorris says coming out of the guest room.

"What-what did I tell you?" I ask her, getting angry. 

"See? Looks like she can talk." 

"No. No. This is not happening."

"HPD!" Someone yells as they barge in the house. Wo Fat reacts quickly and grabs me and puts the gun to my head, causing me to drop mine.

"HEY! HEY! Don't do anything stupid. You wanna talk? We're gonna talk."

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