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A couple of months have gone by since everything went down. I went through the basic stages of dealing with that kind of stuff. I was angry, I was sad, I even pretended it didn't happen...well I tried. But knowing that Steve and his team and even my whole family is by my side, makes me feel so much better. I finally sat Everest down and told him why all of that happend. I figured that it would be easier for him knowing why it happened. I was fully expecting him to be angry about me not telling him, and even not telling him until a while after it happened, but instead he just hugged me. No anger at all.

I considered going back to school, but decided against it. It's just not something I want to do again. Everest and I have had our fair share of  conversations about me going back on the force, and I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to seriously think about doing it. I mean it did make me happy doing it. 

Steve has been pretty busy with cases that keep popping up, and some other case that has to do with his mom, but I haven't asked to many questions about it. I'm sure if he wants to talk about it, he will. 

I check my watch and notice the time. Crap. I'm gonna be late for lunch. I jump up off the couch and go into my room and slide my flip flops on. Everest took my car today so I grab his keys off the table by the front door and walk out to his mustang. I love this thing. I get in and put the top down. I grab the hat he had sitting on the passenger side seat and put it on so my hair stays out of my face. I may or may not have sped all the way to Kamekona's and notice everyone was still there. As I turn the car off I notice Rylin pull up next to me. At least I beat her. Rylin and I have been hanging out a lot these past few months. It's good to have friends outside of Steve's team. 

"Everest let you take his car?!" She asks as she gets out of her car. 

"I know." I say with a little laugh. "It's rare, but he needed my car cause he had to drive some people around today."

"Lucky. I love his car."

"Are you sure it's just his car?" I say, hinting at the fact she's had a crush on my brother for like...ever.

"Shut up." She says laughing. We walk across the street and join Steve and his team at the table. 

"Hey, babe." Steve says scooting over so I can sit next to him.

"Hey." Rylin jokingly says. He just gives her a confused look and both of us laugh. "Oh, right. You were talking to Brooklyn. Rylin sits next to me, leaving Danny, Chin and Kono on the other side of the table.

"Where's Grover at?" I ask Steve.

"Why would Grover be here?" Danny asks.

"Oh please, I know you guys are all becoming all buddy buddy together."

"No. No way. Grover?" Steve asks.

"Okay okay, whatever."

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I hear someone say from behind us. I turn around and see Grover. I just look at Steve and glare at him. I smirks at me as Grover sits next to Danny. 

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask Steve as everyone else starts to talk amongst themselves.

"I'm actually picking my mom up from the airport." He doesn't look at me, he just takes a drink of his beer.

"What?" I notice Danny look over at Steve but I just continue to look at Steve. 

"Uhh yeah. She called me last night and said she's coming home, and that we needed to talk..."


"I'll tell you later?" He says as he looks over at me.

"Yeah." I half grin at him and look at Danny. He still has a shocked look on his face. I'm guessing he didn't know either. I feel Steve put his hand on my leg but I just look over at Rylin. 

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