|19| ohana

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"How was your trip?" Everest asks me as I come out of my room and sit next to him on the couch

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"How was your trip?" Everest asks me as I come out of my room and sit next to him on the couch.

"It was really good. We ended up running into Teagan and  Jonathan while we were there and hung out with them for a while. I guess Johnny boy finally popped the question."

"Finally. Geez it's been like ten years."

"I know. That's exactly what I said."

"Anything else fun happen?"

"Oh yeah. The whole trip was amazing. We went to this really cool aquarium and when snorkeling and surfing and everything. It was a really good time."

"Good. I'm glad you had fun."

"Yeah me too. Steve is really an amazing guy."

"Good. You deserve him. I love how happy he makes you."

"Don't get all sappy on me now, Everest."

"I know I know. I just know this is exactly what you needed."

"It really is."

"Oh yeah, remember when I said I had a surprise for you when you got back?"

"Yessss. What is it?"

"Go look in the guest bedroom."


"Just go look."

"Okay." I stand up and walk over to the door of the guest bedroom and look back over to Everest.

"Open the door Brooklyn." He says laughing. I open the door and I couldn't believe what I saw.


"Hey there sister." I run over to her and give her a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I say almost in tears.

"Well Alex's sixth birthday is coming up, and I asked him what he wanted, and the only thing he said was for auntie Brook to be there. So...we decided to do his birthday here."



"Oh my god I feel like it's my birthday!"

"I thought you'd like this surprise." Everest says coming up behind me. "She called me and told me all about it and I told her I would help her and the kids and Michael fly out here and we would do his birthday party on a beach this year."

"Our beach?"

"Well, not this one."

"We have more than one beach?"

"I talked to the realtor who's selling dads old house and she said we could stay there next weekend and do the party there."

"Really?" I say as a tear streams down my cheek.

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