|28| Moving Foward

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"So, you must be Luke." The father says to Luke, as they walk out into the back yard.

"Yes, Sir."

"So, I only have three questions for you."

"That's not comforting." I say to Josh. I turn the mic back on just in case Luke needs help.

"Okay." Luke says.

"First question. How old are you?"

"Uhmm, I'm 18, sir."

"Good. Two questions left. You get good grades?"

"Yes, sir. All A's and one B."

"Good job kid. Last question." The man pauses, as we watch him put his hand on his hip.

"He's got a gun!" Josh yells. I hurry and turn the mic off.

"Josh! He's got this. Sit down." I turn the mic back on. "You're fine, Luke. We're right here."

"uhh, uhmm." Luke says taking a step back as the man takes the gun off his hip and loads it.

"Calm down kid. Just one more question."

"Oh, okay." He stutters out.

"Can I trust you?" He says raising the gun to Luke.

"Don't panic Luke. You're fine." I turn the mic off and look at Josh, who is starting to get mad and impatient. "Josh, he won't shoot him."

"You don't know that! This man has killed god knows how many people! I don't like this. Pull him out!"

"No! He will be fine. He won't shoot him!"

"Of, of course you can." Luke says.

"Dad!" The man's son yells out.

"Calm down, son. Just asking the boy a question."

"Put the gun down, dad!"

"Stop talking. Right now." He says to his son. He son takes a step back.

"You sure I can trust you."

"Positive, sir."

"Where'd you get the coke again?"

"I found it."


"In a storage room, off  Waimanalo."

"Is the storage east or west of the road."

"Left. It's left. Third unit in."

"Okay." The man unloads his gun and puts it back on his hip.

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