|2| Ka Hoʻomaka (getting started)

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"So, what's a good place for dinner around here?" I ask while shutting the passenger side door

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"So, what's a good place for dinner around here?" I ask while shutting the passenger side door.

"There is this awesome shrimp truck down by the beach about fifteen minutes down the road. You'll love it."

"I do love shrimp."

"I remember." He grins and we pull down the lake and onto the pavement. "You call mom yet?"

"Oh shit. No. I'm gonna do that."

"Good idea." I dial my moms number and after four rings she picks up.

'You made it?!' My mom shouts, causing me to pull the phone a little further away from my ear.

'Yes mom. Haha I made it. I got to the house and got somewhat settled in. It's amazing here.'

'Well are you ready to come back home?'

"She is home mom!" Everest yells so my mom can hear him. I put her on speaker so she can probably yell at him.

'Everest, you shut your mouth.' She says with a laugh. 'I miss you both so much.'

'Miss you too mom.' We both say.

'Alright. Well it's late here and I have to get up for work in the morning. Call me when you both get up. Love you two.'

'Love you too mom.' Everest and I both say.

She hangs up and I put my phone back in my lap.

"It's so funny. She was almost this bad when I moved out when I was twenty."

"I know. She's crazy."

"But we love her."

"That we do." We pull into a parking lot and we both get out of the car. We quickly cross the street over to the food truck. We see a few people sitting at a table all talking.
"You've gotta try the garlic shrimp. It's the best."

"This man doesn't lie. Everest who is this beautiful lady?" A large Samoan man says.

"Kamekona, this is my sister, Brooklyn."

"Hi, how's it going?" I say shaking his hand.
"I'm amazing. Business is booming!" He says loudly.

-Steves' POV-

"No, you're a control freak Steve."

"Danny, I'm going to shove that shrimp up your nose if you don't shut up."

"Whatever. I'm just saying what everyone is thinking." I go back to eating when I see two people walk up to the truck. One was a guy I had seen around before, but I had never seen the girl before, I would of remembered. I couldn't help but stare. They walk over to a table behind us. I get up and push Danny over to take his spot, so I can see her.

"Steve, have you lost your mind?" Danny says going to sit where I was.

"Shut up." Danny looks in the direction I was looking and looks back at me. "Are you gonna sit here and drool or are you gonna go over there and say hi."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

-Brooklyn's POV-

"Oh my god, you were right. This is amazing." I say taking another bite."

"I know right? I usually come here after surfing. The people behind me are here a lot too. I think they're cops or something." I look up at them, only to see a guy with short brown hair, quickly look away from me.

"That one is cute." Everest starts to turn around but I grab his arm and he looks back at me.


"Don't look you idiot. It will make it obvious."

"Go say hi."


"Oh come on."

"No-oh my god he's coming over." I look down at my food.

"Everest, hows it going man?" He says putting his hand on Everest's shoulder.

"Good man. My sister just got into town, so I'm having a great day. Brooklyn, this is Steve. Steve, this is my sister." That little punk, he acted like he didn't know them.

"Nice to meet you." He says with a shy smile.
"How long are you in town?" He asked me.

"I actually just moved here."

"Oh no way? Well welcome to Hawaii."

"Thank you. I'm really enjoying it."

"Yeah it's an amazing place. You been around to see any sights yet?"

"This is it so far. My plane just landed  a few hours ago."

"Well if you're brother gets busy and you want to see some sights, give me a call some time." He says handing me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"Will do. Nice to meet you, Steve."

"You too, Brooklyn." He winks at me and walks back to the table he was at.

"Well well, you've been here for a couple hours and you already got a hot cops number."

"Shut up." I say laughing.

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