|4| Winner Winner, Shrimp Dinner

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After about a 30 minute drive, mostly down an old dirt road, Steve pulls off to the side of the road

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After about a 30 minute drive, mostly down an old dirt road, Steve pulls off to the side of the road.

"What are we doing?" I ask him.

"Well we have to walk the rest of the way. It's not to far."

"I really hope you're not kidnapping me because no one will be able to find me."

"Oh, come on." He says with a small laugh. We both get out of the truck and meet around front.

"Got everything you need?"

"Phone. Check. Shoes. Check. Yup. You have everything you need?"

"Phone. Check. Pretty girl. Check." He looks at me with a smile and slightly sticks his tongue out. 

"Let's go, you goof." We start walking through a ton of shrubs and trees for about ten minutes until we come to a clearing. We walk out to a large sandy beach with an amazing view of the ocean. "Woah." I stop walking, just to take in the sight.

"It's amazing right?"

"How did you find this place?"

"Lots of hiking through the years."

"This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Steve just stands there and stares at me. "The view is out there." I say pointing to the water, with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe yours is." 

"You're a flirt. Now come on." I say grabbing his hand.

"Where are we going?"

"In the water. Duh."

"Oh is that right?"

"100 percent." I say sliding my shirt over my head, and sliding my shorts off, leaving me in just my bikini. He looks me up and down and I just smile. I walk closer to him and whisper in his ear. "Get. In. The water." I back up and wink at him. I start walking towards the water and once my feet touch the shore, I turn around to look at Steve. He had already taken his shirt off and he was walking towards the water. I just laugh and run out further into the water as he starts to run after me. I thought I was far ahead of him until I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. "Noooo." I say laughing. He runs out deeper into the water until he can't reach anymore, leaving both of us paddling to keep afloat. He let's go of me and I turn around to look at him. "You're mean." He starts fake pouting. "Ohhhh stop it." I say poking his nose.

"I have an idea. Do you know how to body surf?"

"Of course."

"Alright. Let's race. First one to shore wins."

"Wins what?"

"Hmmm. If I loose, which I won't, I have to buy you dinner."

"Oh yeah. Okay. And The rare chance I loose?"

"Mmmm. You have to kiss me?"

"What kind of deal is that?" I say laughing.

"Well I mean you seem pretty confident that you won't loose, sooo."

"Fine. Fine. Let's get to somewhere we can touch the bottom." We start swimming a few feet until we can both stand. "By the way, I want shrimp for lunch."

"Oh is that right?"

"Yeah. Just giving you a heads up what you'll be paying for."

"You're ridiculous." He laughs. I stick my tongue out at him and we both start getting ready for a wave that was heading our way.

"Get ready Steve, I'm about to kick your butt."

"You wish!" We both start swimming to catch the wave. The wave picks up both up as we start gliding forward on the water.

"I'm gonna win!!" I yell as I start to pass him, but then all of a sudden a smaller wave comes up behind Steve and carries him to shore before I can get there.

"I won!" He yells, throwing both of his arms up in the air.

"You cheated!" I say standing up and laughing.

"What?! I did not! How do you cheat at body surfing?"

"You tell me, cheater!" I start running back to the water.

"Oh no you don't!" He chases after me and wraps his arms around me from the front once he catches up. As we both laugh, I wrap my arms around his neck, to make sure a wave doesn't knock me over. "I won. Fare and square."

"Alright alright. I'll pay up." I start to lean in but then move my head so my mouth is by his ear.

"You're still buying me lunch." Before he can say anything, I push my lips against his. He smiles for a second and then kisses me back, deepening the kiss. He sighs as I back away, breaking the kiss. "Lunch?"

"Let's go get you some shrimp." He says smiling. I unwrap my arms and we both walk to shore to put our clothes back on.

We sit down at the picnic table and wait for our food. "You look really pretty." Steve says with a cheeky grin, putting his hands on top of mine. I just smile at him.

"My hair is a mess."

"You look amazing."

"Well thank you. And you look hot sooo there's that."

"Oh but I knew that."

"Oh my god." I say laughing. "Someone is full of themselves."

"Awwwe no I'm not."

"Oh hey Steve." One of the guys I think he works with says as he walks up next to him.

"Hey. Brooklyn this is Chin. Chin, Brooklyn."

"Nice to meet you." Chin says. "What are you two up to today?"

"Showing her some places around the island."

"Have you shown her Lulumahu falls?"

"No buts that's on the agenda."

"Perfect. Well you two have fun."

"Thanks chin." Chin pats Steve on the shoulder and goes up to the food truck.

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