|5| Extreme Heat

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"You still good back there?" Steve asks me, trying to hide the fact he's laughing

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"You still good back there?" Steve asks me, trying to hide the fact he's laughing.

"We have been hiking for like hours. I'm dead."

"Oh come on." He back tracks a little bit to me and sticks his hand out to grab. "First of all, its only been twenty minutes, second of all, it's right over this hill."

"You're trying to kill me."

"Only with my stunning good looks." He smiles at me, slightly sticking his tongue out through his teeth. I give in and intertwine my fingers with his and keep going to the top of the hill.

"You know, I'm not really in proper hiking clothes."

"Trust me. It's worth it."

About five minutes later we make it to the top of the hill, and we both stopped to take in the view.


"Yeah." We walk down a little path that takes us to the pool of water below the falls. "Wanna get in?"

"Of course I do." I slip my shoes and shirt and shorts off while Steve takes his shirt and shoes off. How does this man have such a perfect body? I don't get it. He's like a god.

"Brooklyn." I snap out of my bubble and look up at his eyes. I just sigh and smile at him. "You good?" He asks.

"I'm fabulous. Water?"

"Water." I start walking towards the water until Steve grabs my hand. "What?"

"That's not how you get in the water. You have to jump in."

"You what now?"

"There's a little rock up here to jump off of."

"Oh hell no. Huh uh."

"Oh yes. You are doing it."

"Why are you so sure about that?"

"Because I bought you lunch.

"Oh is that it?"

"Uh huh. I won the bet and I still bought you lunch, like a gentlemen. Now get in the water."

"Okey doke." I say as I keep walking towards the water.

"Noooo." He says laughing. He runs up behind me and picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

"You let me down!" I start laughing hysterically.

"In just a moment." He walks up the little trail to where I'm guessing the rock is.

"Steeeeeve! Don't you throw me in the water!"

"What?! I can't hear you? The waterfall is so loud!"

"Steve!" I keep laughing and trying to wriggle out of his arms.

"3! 2! 1!" Before I could try and hold on tighter he tosses me in to the water. It wasn't a long way down. My head pops up out of the water and I point up at Steve.

"You're toast buddy!"

"Is that right?!"

"Yes! Now get in here!" He smiles at me and jumps in, landing next to me. He comes up out of the water and shakes his hair to dry it off a little. He swims over to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and start to pull down, trying to get him to go under the water, but he doesn't even budge.

"Is that all you've got?" I keep pulling and he just laughs. He wraps his arms under my butt, lifting me up slightly out of the water. I stare at his eyes and down to his lips. He does the same. Within the blink of an eye, his lips were on mine. It took me by surprise at first, but it didn't take me long to kiss him back. He lowers me a little, and I wrap my legs around his waist. It got heated quickly as he bites my bottom lip, causing me to moan. He takes the opportunity and I feel his tongue slide into my mouth. I bite his bottom lip and he slightly pulls away, kissing down my jaw and down to my neck. I run my hands through his hair, slightly tugging.

Steve opens the front door to his house and we both walk in. Steve closes the door behind him.

"My room is the first door on the right when you go up the stairs, you can use the shower in there." He says with a smile.

"Thank you." I walk upstairs and start the shower. "Oh, hey Steve?" I say over the banister, wearing a towel.


"Can you throw my stuff in the dryer?"

"Yeah of course. Throw them down." I toss my clothes down to him. "Thank you."

"Of course." I walk back into the bathroom and take a quick shower. It only takes me a couple minutes and I get out of the shower and dry off.  I walk out into the bedroom, with the towel wrapped around me and remember my clothes are in the dryer. The door opens and I look over to see Steve. "Oh sorry."

"No it's fine. Uhmm do you have anything I could wear while my clothes dry?"

"Yeah." He grabs one of his button up shirts out of his closet and hands it to me.

"Thank you."

"Welcome. I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick, and then I'm gonna show you one of my favorite dinner places on the island."

"Is it the shrimp place?"

"Nooo." He says laughing. "No, that's my second favorite place."

"Whaaaat? You're gonna show me the number one place?"

"Just for you. I'll be out in a few minutes." He goes into the bathroom and starts the shower. I take the towel off and slide the shirt Steve gave me on. I button it up to the last two buttons. My phone starts ringing and I see my brothers contact.

"Hey, Everest. What's up?"
"I just got off work, so I was just seeing what you were up too?"
"Oh. Uhmm we just got back to Steve's to wash up real quick and then we're gonna go to dinner."
"What did you guys do today?"
"We went to a really pretty place on this little secret beach and hung out there for a while, and then went and had shrimp for lunch, and then went on a hike to a waterfall and now we're here."
"Sounds like a fun day. Is that all you did today?"

"It's all I'm gonna tell you I did today."

"Fare enough, and I'm gonna thank you for that."
"You're welcome." I hear the shower turn off. "I have to go, but I will be home later, and we can spend tomorrow together?"
"Sounds good to me. Love you."
"Love you too." I hang up and sit down on Steve's bed, looking through my Twitter. The bathroom door opens and Steve walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. A small grin grows on my face, as I watch him walk across the room to his closet. I clear my throat, trying to make myself stop staring. He turns around and smiles at me. "What is this, like the third time I've caught you staring at me?"

"Can you blame me? Look at you."
He smiles and sticks his tongue out through his teeth and grabs a blue shirt and black cargo pants. He walks back out and stares at me, licking his lips. "If you don't go put some clothes on right now..." He lifts an eye brow.

"Go on."

"If I wasn't so curious about you're favorite dinner spot, I would."

"Oh. Oh I see." He leans down, his nose touching mine. He teases me with his lips, and smirks. I can feel my heart racing in my chest and my whole body feels like it's 300 degrees. My mouth slightly opens, begging for his lips. He lightly kisses me and backs up and walks back into the bathroom.

"Tease." I say. I hear him laugh and I just lay back onto the bed.

"Go put your clothes on!" He says laughing.

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