|20| Family Time

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"Whatcha doing?" Emily asks as she sits next to me on the beach. I look up from my book.

"Watching Steve surf." I say pointing out into the water.

"He just comes over and surfs at your house?"

"Well I told him too. He told me he was gonna go surfing this morning at his house and I convinced him the waves here are better. Mostly just because I haven't seen him in a few days. He's been busy on a case."

"Gotcha. He's pretty good."

"Yeah, he likes to think so." I say with a small laugh.

"How is everything with you two?"


"Good. I'm glad. I'm glad I get to meet him too."

"Me too. He probably won't be out there to much longer. He's already been out there for almost two hours."

"Wow. He does that for a long time."

"That he does. Now you see why I made him come here to do it." I notice Steve hop off of his board and start walking out of the water. He shoots me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Did you see that last one? That was insane." He asks with a big smile on his face.

"I did. You were pretty good out there." He leans his board up against a tree and walks over me to kiss me.

"Mmmhmm." Emily says clearing her throat.

"Oh, Steve, this is my sister Emily. Emily, Steve." He reaches his hand out to shake her hand and she shakes his.

"I've heard so much about you."

"All good things I hope." He says smiling at me.

"Mostly." Emily says with a small laugh.

"You look tired." Steve says to me. I just close my eyes and smile. "Let me dry off and we can go inside."


"It was really nice to meet you, Steve." Emily says right before walking back up to the house.

"You too."

"You still coming over for dinner tonight?" Emily asks as she turns around.

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Good. I know the kids really want to meet you." She turns back around and walks inside. Steve just smiles and uses the towel to dry his hair off and the rest of his body. He sets the towel down on the chair and we both walk inside and go into Everest's room where I was sleeping while my sister was in town. We get into the bed and Steve turns the tv on. I'm pretty sure I was asleep before he even picked a show to watch.

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