|15| e kahaha (surprise)

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My phone starts ringing, waking me from my sleep

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My phone starts ringing, waking me from my sleep.

'Hey. Sorry were you sleeping?' I recognize the voice as Steve.
'Well it is three in the morning.'
'Oh is it? I'm sorry. The case ran late and I've been doing paperwork and I didn't realize what time it was.'
'It's okay. What's up?'
'Well it's a little late for dinner now...'
'You want to come over?'
'You sure? It's pretty late.'
'Of course I'm sure. I'll unlock the front door.'
'Alright. I'll be there soon.' He hangs up and I roll back over and fall asleep.

Steve's POV
"Alright. I'll be there soon." I hang up and close my laptop. There's a knock on my door and see Danny coming in.

"It's three in the morning. Where are you going?"

"Somewhere. Why are you listening to my conversations?"

"You're loud babe. Everyone can here you. You going to Brooklyn's? She must really like you if she wants you to come over at three in the morning."

"It's none of your business Danny."

"Well it sort of is given the fact you don't have a car here." Damn it I completely forgot about that.

"Yes. Fine. I need a ride to Brooklyn's."

"When are you going to ask this girl out?"

"What do you mean? We've gone out."

"Clearly you know that's not what I mean you knuckle head."

"This weekend okay?" I say trying to hide my smile. "Not like you need to know, but I booked a hotel on Maui and I'm gonna take her on a weekend get away."

"Good for you man. I'm happy for you."

"Don't get all sappy on me okay? Can we go? Please?"

"Yeah yeah. Let's go."

Brooklyn's POV

I hear my bedroom door shut and I slowly open my eyes and smile at Steve. He leans down and kisses me. He goes to stand back up but I grab his shirt and pull him back down. He lets out a small laugh and kisses me again.
"Where do you think you're going, commander?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. He stands back up and slides his shirt off over his head.

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