|23| Remaking Old Memories

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Brooklyn's POV

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Brooklyn's POV

We pull up in front of my dads old house and we all get quiet. It looks the same as it did the last summer we all spent here with him. There were new flowers planted in the garden and the house had a fresh coat of paint on it. 

"Wow." Emily says. 

"A lot of memories here." I say looking up at it. 

"Makes me really miss dad."

"Yeah. Me too." Everest says. 

"I think he would be really happy to know we're doing Alex's birthday here this weekend." I say as we all start getting out of the car."

"Makes it feel like he's here with us." Emily says as she gets the kids out of the car. Another car starts pulling down the lane.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"Probably mom and baby brother."

"Really?" I ask.

"You didn't really think mom would pass up a birthday party on Hawaii did you?"

"Yeah I guess not." I grab my bag out of the back of the car and pick Jessie up. 

"What's up party people?!" My youngest brother says as he gets out of the drivers side of the car.

"Uncle Peyton!" Alex says running over to him.

"What's up birthday boy? What are you now, like twelve?"

"Nooo. I'm gonna be six!"

"Six? Oh my GOSH you're old."

"Not as old as you."

"Ouch." He says with a laugh. I just smile and go up the stairs to the front door. Everyone else follows and we all go inside. 

"Is this the same furniture?" Emily asks. I put Jessie down so she can run around.

"Yeah. I told them that they could keep it just in case they ever needed to stage it again. The only thing different is the bed frame in mom and dads old room because I took that and the bed frame in my old room because that's the bed frame in Brooks room at the house." Everest says to me.

"So everything is still the same Emily and I's old room?" I ask.

"Should be. Bunk bed and the queen bed should still be in there. I think this weekend me and Peyton are gonna sleep in my old room, don't worry Peyton, I brought an air mattress for you. Emily and ... and the kids are gonna be in the room with the bunk beds, mom will of course be in her old room, and Brook can take the spare room."

"Why does she get her own room?" Peyton asks.

"Because I'm cooler than you. Plus I'm gonna be sharing the room, don't you worry."

"With who? There's no one else here."

"They're clearly not here right now. He will be here later."

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