|6| Moʻolelo Mōʻaukala (history)

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"Reservation for McGarrett

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"Reservation for McGarrett." Steve says to the host. He made reservations?? He looks at me and I smile at him. The lady takes us to our booth and we sit across from each other.

"You're server will be right over."

"Thank you." We both say.

"When did you have time to make reservations?"


"Well of course."

"When you called last night."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. Sounds ridiculous I know, but, it payed off." He says resting his arms on the table and leaning on them.

"I guess you're right. You got lucky."

"That I did." He grins.

"What can I get you two to drink?" The server asks.

"Coors." Steve said.

"Can I just get the house wine?"

"Of course."

"So tell me, Brooklyn. I know you moved here to live with your brother, so why did you're brother move here?"

"Well my dad actually had a house on Lanai. We would always go there over the summer and Everest and my dad would always work on and it make improvements. So, when died, he left it to Everest-"

"Wait. You're father died? I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"Steve." I say grabbing his hands from across the table. "It was almost five years ago. And it didn't come as a surprise."


"Yeah. He had cancer. So of course it was at first but, we all coped with it and enjoyed our last few months with him." Steve gives me a sad look. "Steve." I squeeze his hands. "It's fine. I promise." He just smiles at me. "So anyways, about three years ago, Everest decided to move there, finish fixing it up and sell it to be able to move to Oahu. So I decided I was gonna move with him and kind of take a fresh start."

"Wow. Well, I mean you picked a good place for it. Plus, I got to meet you. So, there's a plus."

"That's very true."

The server brings our drinks and takes our food order.

"So what made you move here?" I ask him, taking a drink of my wine.

"That's a crazy long, complicated story. But the moral of the whole story is my dad had some unfinished business which brought me here and got me to being commander of five o."

"Well maybe one day you can tell me that story."

"One day." He smiles at me and takes a drink of his beer. I just stare at him and take it in. How have I been here for two days and I've already met this amazing man?

"Okay I have a question for you." I say.

"Go for it."

"How old are you?" He lets out a small chuckle.

"Thirty two."

"Oh. You're actually older than I thought. Not that that's a bad thing. I don't care."

"How old are you?" He says with a slight tilt of his head.

"Twenty six."

"That's about what I thought."

"Oh is that right?"

"Oh yeah. I'm pretty good at guessing peoples ages. Comes with the job."

"Thank you for today." I say getting out of Steve's truck. He shuts the door and grabs my hand.

"I should be thanking you."

"For what? You're the one who showed me around and showed me amazing places."

"Yeah but I've never experienced those places like I did today. You gave me an amazing day." I smile as we walk up the steps to the front door. "Am I going to see you again?"

"I certainly hope so. I'll text you tomorrow?

"I'd like that." He smiles and tucks a piece of stray hair behind my ear. I smile at him and kiss him. He leaves his hand on the side of my face and strokes my cheek with his thumb. I take a deep breath and we both back away. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I smile and walk inside. Once I shut the door, I couldn't help but smile.

"Good night?" Everest asks from the living room couch.

"Uhmm, what? Yeah. Yeah. It was good."

"Mhmm." He says with a small laugh.

"Uhmm I'm gonna go to bed now. So, I will see you in the morning."

"Goodnight goof."

I go into my room and call my best friend and tell her everything that has happened since I got here.

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