|18| Hopena (destiny)

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"Mine!" I yell running towards the ball, hitting it up into the air

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"Mine!" I yell running towards the ball, hitting it up into the air. Steve runs up behind me and hits it over the net. Teagan and Jonathan miss the ball, giving us a point.

"Yes!!" Steve yells giving me a double high five. "15-2, you guys wanna keep going?" Steve says with a small chuckle. We look over at them and Teagan is laying in the sand and Johnathan is laughing at her.

"Noooooo. No more!" Teagan yells. Jonathan reaches out a hand and helps Teagan up. "A marine and an ex-cop is not a fare competition." Teagan says.

"Ex-cop?" Steve asks me. Teagan gets an 'oops' look on her face.

"Don't tell me you didn't already know."

"No, yeah. I did." He says. "How about we switch up the teams then? Guys against girls?" He says changing the subject.

"How about we just go cool off in the water?" Teagan suggests.

"Yeah, I like that idea." I say.

"What?!" Both of the boys exclaim.

"Alright, how about Teagan and I go cool off in the water and you two boys play." I suggest.

"Deal." They both say. I give Steve a quick kiss and Teagan and I walk down to our towels on the beach.

"Once Steve starts getting competitive, there is no stopping him." I say taking my flip flops off.

"I can tell. That's pretty much how Jonathan is too."

"I remember. Junior year, after the homecoming game we were at that party playing beer pong."

"Oh god, I almost forgot about that." She says as we both laugh and head to the water.

"He threw that cup at that kid so hard it gave him a black eye."

"That's when I knew I wanted him."

"Oh yeah right." I laugh. "You told me guys who had poor sportsman ship were unattractive."

"I was just trying to play it cool."

"Oh I know. You had the hots for him so bad. Isn't that the night you two hooked up in the back of my car?"

"You knew about that??"

"Of course I knew about that! I walked outside to try and find you and I saw you two in there."

"What?! Oh my god..."

"I just laughed and walked back inside. I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. I mean not in my car, but whatever."

"High school was a wild time man."

"Yes. Yes it was. College was even worse."

"Oh god yeah. Isn't that when you were dating that Matthew guy?"

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